引用https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely/issues/190 snorfalorpagus commented on 18 Oct 2014 The point returned is the nearest point on the line to the original point. The nearest point is not necessarily an existing vertex in the LineString, and in thi…
E. Ostap and Tree time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Ostap already settled down in Rio de Janiero suburb and started to grow a tree in his garden. Recall that a tree is a conn…
题链: https://www.luogu.org/problemnew/show/P3233题解: 虚树,dp,倍增. 首先对于每个询问,要把虚树建出来,这一步就从略了.这里着重分享一下如何求答案. 比如,我们建出来如下一颗虚树,给出的关键点是那些黑点点们,红点点是"被迫"加入的LCA 然后,我们就要去求每个黑点的答案了! 等等,YY了一会儿,发现好像现在还并不方便直接求. 那么我们一步一步来,先求出这颗虚树上的每个节点属于哪个黑点管辖(到哪个黑点最近). 用near[u]表示距离u…
Discription Ostap already settled down in Rio de Janiero suburb and started to grow a tree in his garden. Recall that a tree is a connected undirected acyclic graph. Ostap's tree now has n vertices. He wants to paint some vertices of the tree black s…
翻译者 周波 zhoubo22@hotmail.com 版权所有 Philipp Gerasimov Randima (Randy) Fernando Simon Green NVIDIA Corporation 仅以此文赠与Rita 19周岁生日快乐 Shader Model 3.0:Using Vertex Textures SM3:使用顶点纹理 随着GPU可编程特性的发展,Vertex Shader与Pixel Shader的差别越来越大.现在,Geforce6系列gpu将Vertex S…
http://blog.csdn.net/soilwork/article/details/709869 Using Vertex Texture Displacement for Realistic Water Rendering(上) 分类: GPU程序设计2006-04-24 14:57 3466人阅读 评论(1) 收藏 举报 floatshader网格fftparameters游戏 最近在研究水面渲染,眼看马上要毕业交论文了,还什么都没有弄,大意了---.Tessendorf  2001…
最近在开发一套自己的单细胞分析方法,所以copy paste事业有所停顿. 实例: R eNetIt v0.1-1 data(ralu.site) # Saturated spatial graph sat.graph <- knn.graph(ralu.site, row.names=ralu.site@data[,"SiteName"]) head(sat.graph@data) # Distanced constrained spatial graph dist.graph…
Codeforces1110F dfs + 线段树 + 询问离线 F. Nearest Leaf Description: Let's define the Eulerian traversal of a tree (a connected undirected graph without cycles) as follows: consider a depth-first search algorithm which traverses vertices of the tree and enu…
CSharpGL(38)带初始数据创建Vertex Buffer Object的情形汇总 开始 总的来说,OpenGL应用开发者会遇到为如下三种数据创建Vertex Buffer Object的情形: 任意一个struct类型T data: 任意一个元素类型为struct的数组T[] array: 任意一个非托管数组UnmanagedArray<T> array: 而可创建的Vertex Buffer Object也分为如下的类别: 描述顶点属性(位置.颜色.法线等)的VertexBuffer…
OpenGL中glVertex.显示列表(glCallList).顶点数组(Vertex array).VBO及VAO区别 1.glVertex 最原始的设置顶点方法,在glBegin和glEnd之间使用.OpenGL3.0已经废弃此方法.每个glVertex与GPU进行一次通信,十分低效. glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex(0, 0); glVertex(1, 1); glVertex(2, 2); glEnd(); 2.显示列表(glCallList) 每个gl…