1.Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000 =====>越出内核地址空间范围,原因是由于使用空NULL指针 2.Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 20100110 =====>越出内核地址空间范围,原因是的内存越界导致该指针 所在内存被破坏了. 接下来的困难是在什么地方这个内存被修改?为什么被修改? 3.Unable t…
今天在编译好内核模块后,安装内核模块memdev.ko的时候,出现了Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000等如图所示的问题: 在百度和google找了很多答案,明显就是跟指针有关系...访问了空指针什么的... 可是代码也有一些怎么找呢?? 于是我想了一个办法,加入打印语句帮助我知道到底哪个函数出了问题! 果然,一下就找到了,如图: 于是,问题就迎刃而解了... 启发链接: http…
本文转载自:https://blog.csdn.net/hpu11/article/details/72628052 这说明是非法指针的使用,才导致系统出错. [ 1023.510000] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000[ 1023.520000] pgd = c0004000[ 1023.520000] [00000000] *pgd=00000000[ 1023.5200…
(转载)http://blog.csdn.net/shenghuiping2001/article/details/7083153 今天系统加了内存条,设置变了一下: 就启动不起虚拟机了,报错: Unable to open kernel device "\\.\Global\vmx86 下面方法就可以解决了 C:\Documents and Settings\db2admin>net start vmx86 VMware vmx86 服务已经启动成功.…
之前安装的ROS是Fuerte版本的,好久没有更新,不知不觉又出来了好几个新的版本,今天删除了Fuerte,计划安装Hydro版本的尝尝新,按照官网的安装流程,很快就可以把新版本安装上去了,但是在"rosdep update"这一步却总是报错: reading in sources list data from /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d Hit https://github.com/ros/rosdistro/raw/master/rosdep/os…
墙外通道:http://thinkiii.blogspot.com/2014/02/arm64-linux-kernel-virtual-address-space.html Now let's talk about the Linux kernel virtual address space on 64-bit ARM CPU. You can find information about ARMv8 in ARM official website. http://www.arm.com/pr…
启动vm中虚拟机中的时候,弹出窗口的时候,弹出窗口 Unable to open kernel device \\.\Global\vmx86;系统找不到指定的文件,Did you reboot after installing VMware Workstation? Failed to initialize monitor device.”   解决方案(1) 卸载重装 解决方案(2) 1.在本地建立一个.txt文件,把文件改为.bat,在这个文件中贴入 echo off net start…
http://thinkiii.blogspot.jp/2014/02/arm32-linux-kernel-virtual-address-space.html   The 32-bit ARM CPU can address up to 2^32 = 4GB address*. It's not big enough in present days, since the size of available DRAM on computing devices is growing fast a…
The following explains why the DO_POWER_PAGABLE bit must be set on the way down and not on the way up: The power requirements state that if any lower device object sets the DO_POWER_PAGABLE bit, all higher-level drivers must do the same. If the filte…
2019-08-19T09:27:33.225584+08:00Slave encountered ORA-27090 exception during crash recoveryRecovery slave process is holding some recovery locks. Killing the instance now.2019-08-19T09:27:33.225736+08:00Errors in file /home/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/…