题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=2387 题目大意; 题意:给出两个整数T,N,然后输入一些点直接的距离,求N和1之间的最短距离.. 思路:dijkstra求单源最短路,但是要注意判重.   #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f #define min(a,b) a<=b?a:b ], dis[]; //dis[j]表示起点到当前点的最短距离 int n, t; ]…
题目链接>>> 题目大意: 谷仓之间有一些路径长度,然后要在这些谷仓之间建立一些互联网,花费的成本与长度成正比,,并且要使这些边连起来看的像一课“树”,然后使成本最大 解题思路: 最大生成树用kruskal在最小生成树的基础上,将排序从大到小排序,这样就是一个最大生成树了 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; struct EDGE{…
Til the Cows Come Home Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 37662   Accepted: 12836 Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the…
A - Til the Cows Come Home Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice POJ 2387 Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before F…
Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the morning milking. Bessie needs her beauty sleep, so she wants to get back as quickly as possible. Farmer Joh…
题目链接 http://poj.org/problem?id=2387 题意 有n个路标,编号1~n,输入路标编号及路标之间相隔的距离,求从路标n到路标1的最短路径(由于是无向图,所以也就是求从路标1到路标n的最短路径). 思路 最短路径问题,由于结点数目最多可以有1000个,用Floyd算法应该会超时,而且做了之后发现输入会有相同的边,使用SPFA算法会麻烦一些,所以这里使用Dijkstra算法求解. 代码 #include <algorithm> #include <iostream…
AC代码 POJ2387 Til the Cows Come Home Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the morning milking. Bessie needs her beauty sleep, so she wants to get back as quickly…
Til the Cows Come Home Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 81024   Accepted: 26725 Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the…
Til the Cows Come Home Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 33015   Accepted: 11174 Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the…
Til the Cows Come Home Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the morning milking. Bessie needs her beauty sleep, so she wants to get back as quickly…