Compile Error: The code in this project must be updated for use on64-bit systems. Please review and update Declare statements and then mark them with the PtrSafe attribute. 1.问题: 32-bit的VBA程序,在64-bit系统上运行时,出现该编译错误. 环境:Office2010 Excel 64-bit, 64-bit…
Handling CLIK AS3 Compile Error 1152 & 5000 Action You add a CLIK AS3 component from CLIK_Components_AS3.fla to your Flash document (example: DefaultTextArea) Result You receive these compiler errors, and the component does not work: C:\UDK\UDK-2012-…
原文:Android error:No CPU/ABI system image available for this target No CPU/ABI system image available for this target Create new Android Virtual Device(AVD) 创建新的手机模拟器时,不能点OK完成, 提示如图中错误.是缺少相应的映象文件造成. 请在Android SDK Manager 里下载对应版本的 ARM EABI v7a System I…
参考: Python pip安装模块报错 Mac升级到EI Captain之后pip install 无法使用问题 error: could not create '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/share': Operation not permitted 在OSX下用pip安装networkx时报错: error: could not create '/System/Library/Frameworks/Py…
1. 将 互换 Excel 列号(数字/字母) Public Function excelColumn_numLetter_interchange(numOrLetter) As String Dim i, j, idx As Integer Dim letterArray letterArray = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G…
never mind!!! duplicate: Error with iOS 5.1 when i use ASIHTTPRequest and SBJSON "I would take a look at the Build Phases section in your Target. Under "Compile Sources", make sure you see the .m files for ASIHTTPRequest and for SBJson. Som…
wangxiao@wangxiao-GTX980:~/Downloads/caffe-master$ make -j8find: `wangxiao/bvlc_alexnet/spl': No such file or directoryfind: `caffemodel': No such file or directoryfind: `wangxiao/bvlc_alexnet/0.77': No such file or directoryfind: `caffemodel': No su…
昨天下午开始学习的vba,累死了,肯定有bug,待调试 vba程序如下: Dim aSum As Integer Dim tSum As Integer ) As Integer Dim arrMax As Integer Dim arr ) As Integer Function Test() Dim arrWmax As Integer Dim Rng As Range Dim beginRow As Integer Dim beginLine As Integer ) rr = Rng.A…
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Mar 06 11:22:03 2014 @author: Administrator """ import win32com.client from win32com.gen_py import msof,mspp,msxl from string import uppercase from pandas import Series #%% 将常量发布到全局命…
PostgreSql: 第一步 在网上下载postres的驱动程序,之后安装,下载地址: 第二步 创建ODBC数据源 点击“开始->控制面板->管理工具->数据源(ODBC)->用户DSN->添加” 安装上图配置好之后写入VBA代码并导入包文件 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connectio…
Sub Md() ' ' Macro1 Macro ' 宏由 BX 录制,时间: 2012-6-8 ' 宏中的列数可以输入 A - IV 也可以输入 1-256 ' Dim i%, j%, i1%, j1%, i2%, j2% myi = UCase(InputBox("第一列")) myj = UCase(InputBox("第二列")) ' '************************************ If myi Like "[A-Z]… Hi Filip, I don't see why you have vstoinstaller.config, it…