RESTful Web APIs_2013 The crawler simulates a very curious but not very picky human. Give it a URL to startwith, and it will fetch a representation. Then it will follow all the links it can find to getmore representations. It will do this recursively… I have a resource 'roles' which has a many to many relationship with 'user'. To administer 'roles' I need to send the role id and the user id to the server so…
常规的delete方法如下: /**  * Deletes a particular model. * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'index' page. */ public function actionDelete() {  if(Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) {  // we only allow deletion via POST requ…
使用Backload的时候在本地调试通过,上传服务器后出现405错误(监控通信时可以发现ajax的返回结果为405) 通过修改webconfig可以解决: <system.webServer> <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false"> <remove name="WebDAVModule"/> <!--important--> </modules&g…
昨天手贱去一台服务器上装了Webdav. 一开始以为这个报错是跨域问题, 最近一直遇到用自动的publish发布到FTP出问题也就没想到是Webdav的问题 而且这东西装了还不能删除 处理办法 IIS主页里把webdav停用 还是主页-处理程序映射-找到webdav 删除 还是主页- 模块-找到webdav 删除 cmd运行一下 iisreset /restart 一切恢复…
Spring 框架的RestTemplate 类定义了一些我们在通过 java 代码调用 Rest 服务时经常需要用到的方法,使得我们通过 java 调用 rest 服务时更加方便.简单.但是 RestTemplate 的 delete 方法并不支持传入请求体(Request Body).经测试,通过调用 RestTemplate 类的exchange(String url, HttpMethod method, HttpEntity<?> requestEntity, Class<Re…
注:本文为个人学习摘录,原文地址为: An HTTP request is a class consisting of HTTP style requests, request lines, request methods, request URL, header fields, and body content. The most common methods that are used by a clien…
注:本文为个人学习摘录,原文地址为: An HTTP request is a class consisting of HTTP style requests, request lines, request methods, request URL, header fields, and body content. The most common methods that are used by a clien…
案例环境: 数据库版本: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.5000.00 (X64) ) 案例介绍: 对一个数据库实例做清理工作时,发现有一个很久之前禁用的数据库维护作业,于是遂删除该作业,但是删除该作业时,遇到如下错误: 脚本删除操作: USE [msdb] GO EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_job @job_id=N'876ab683-6d81-47c4-bba2-0dfa581561…
public static HttpWebResponse CreatePostHttpResponse(string url, IDictionary<string, int> parameters, string userAgent, Encoding requestEncoding) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("url"); } if (requestEncod…