Reinforcement Learning 对于控制决策问题的解决思路:设计一个回报函数(reward function),如果learning agent(如上面的四足机器人.象棋AI程序)在决定一步后,获得了较好的结果,那么我们给agent一些回报(比如回报函数结果为正),得到较差的结果,那么回报函数为负.比如,四足机器人,如果他向前走了一步(接近目标),那么回报函数为正,后退为负.如果我们能够对每一步进行评价,得到相应的回报函数,那么就好办了,我们只需要找到一条回报值最大的路径(每步的回…
Playing FPS games with deep reinforcement learning 博文转自: When I wrote up 'Asynchronous methods for deep learning' last month, I made a throwaway remark that after…
Deep Reinforcement Learning Papers A list of recent papers regarding deep reinforcement learning. The papers are organized based on manually-defined bookmarks. They are sorted by time to see the recent papers first. Any suggestions and pull requests…
  Deep Learning Research Review Week 2: Reinforcement Learning 转载自: This is the 2nd installment of a new series called Deep Learning Resea…
1. 知乎上关于DQN入门的系列文章 1.1 DQN 从入门到放弃 DQN 从入门到放弃1 DQN与增强学习 DQN 从入门到放弃2 增强学习与MDP DQN 从入门到放弃3 价值函数与Bellman方程 DQN 从入门到放弃4 动态规划与Q-Learning DQN从入门到放弃5 深度解读DQN算法 DQN从入门到放弃6 DQN的各种改进 DQN从入门到放弃7 连续控制DQN算法-NAF 12/29/2016 看完1和2: 1.2 Deep Reinforcement Learning 深度增…
智能车 self driving car + 强化学习 reinforcement learning + 神经网络 模拟 Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving Obstacle Avoidance using LIDAR…
Byte Tank Posts Archive Deep Reinforcement Learning: Playing a Racing Game OCT 6TH, 2016 Agent playing Out Run, session 201609171218_175epsNo time limit, no traffic, 2X time lapse Above is the built deep Q-network (DQN) agent playing Out Run, trained…
Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning ICML 2016 Best Paper 摘要:本文的贡献点主要是在 DQN 网络结构上,将卷积神经网络提出的特征,分为两路走,即:the state value function 和 the state-dependent action advantage function. 这个设计的主要特色在于 generalize learning across actions w…
Apparently, this ongoing work is to make a preparation for futural research on Deep Reinforcement Learning. The goal of this work is to build a simulation platform that can insert the Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms as a robot motion planning…
Deep Learning in a Nutshell: Reinforcement Learning   Share: Posted on September 8, 2016by Tim Dettmers No CommentsTagged Deep Learning, Deep Neural Networks, Machine Learning,Reinforcement Learning This post is Part 4 of the Deep Learning in a Nutsh…