Milan Ikits University of Utah Joe Kniss University of Utah Aaron Lefohn University of California, Davis Charles Hansen University of Utah This chapter presents texture-based volume rendering techniques that are used for visualizing three-dimensional…
PaperRead - A Shader Framework for Rapid Prototyping of GPU-Based Volume Rendering 目录 PaperRead - A Shader Framework for Rapid Prototyping of GPU-Based Volume Rendering 2. Related Work 4. Dynamic Shader Pipeline 4.1 Design Decisions 4.2 Basic approac…
转自: 摘抄“GPU Programming And Cg Language Primer 1rd Edition” 中文 名“GPU编程与CG语言之阳春白雪下里巴人” 15.1 光线投射算法原理 光线投射方法是基于图像序列的直接体绘制算法.从图像的每一个像素,沿固定方向(通常是视线方向)发射一条光线,光线穿越整个图像序列,并在这个过程中,对图像序列进行采样获取颜色信息,同时依据光线吸收…
[Real Time Rendering 2] 1.The light vector l is usually defined pointing in a direction opposite to the direction the light is traveling. 2.The surface irradiance(辐照度) is equal to the irradiance measured perpendicularly to l, times the cosine of the…
转自和 按如下顺序看效果最佳: 1. MapReduce Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters 2. Hadoop环境的安装 By 徐伟 3. Parallel K-Mea…
Computer Graphics Research Software Helping you avoid re-inventing the wheel since 2009! Last updated December 5, 2012.Try searching this page for keywords like 'segmentation' or 'PLY'.If you would like to contribute links, please e-mail them to rms@…
VDB Data value visualize: 结论从houdini得知. API常用文字: interior:内部 Narrow-band:窄带 background:窄带外 SDF: XY plane Data visualize: { (1)用法:vdb sdf levelset球,采样其体素值到对应的点位置的颜色观察.houdini节点vdb from polygons(参数上Exterior band voxels:3,Interior band voxels:3)没有开启Fill…
3D Slicer Reconstruct CT/MRI 1. Load DCM file of your CT/MRI 2. Go to Volume Rendering, click the eye button to show volume 3. Go to Editor -> Threshold Effect -> Change Threshold (only include the head) -> Apply 4. Go to Editor - > Make Model…
From: A little guide about modern OpenGL and why it gives us so much value. Shaders + Cube Env Map + Phong Lighting Introduction Ok... so you want to learn modern OpenGL. Great! B…
MRIcro tutorial 参考网址: This guide gives is a brief description of how you can use MRIcro and SPM to work with patient scans. For the MRIcro manual and…
| Main | Site Index | Download | mimetic A free/GPL C++ MIME Library mimetic is a free/GPL Email library (MIME) written in C++ designed to be easy to use and integrate but yet fast and efficient. It is based on the C++ standard library and heavily us…
加入实验室后,经过张老师的介绍,有幸与某公司合共共同完成某个项目,在此项目中我主要负责的是三维 pdf 报告生成.Dicom图像上亮度.对比度调整以及 Dicom图像三维重建.今天主要介绍一下完成Dicom图像三维重建的过程以及自己的心得体会.实现Dicom三维图像重建最主要用的VTK(Visualization Toolkit,也就是可视化工具包),由于今天的主题不是有关VTK,所以有关VTK的学习(包括VTK介绍.使用.实列),可以参考此链接:…