OpenCASCADE Gauss Integration Abstract. Numerical integration is the approximate computation of an integral using numerical techniques. The numerical computation of an integral is sometimes called quadrature. The most straightforward nu…
单一职责原则(SRP:The Single Responsibility Principle) 一个类应该有且只有一个变化的原因. There should never be more than one reason for a class to change. 为什么将不同的职责分离到单独的类中是如此的重要呢? 因为每一个职责都是一个变化的中心.当需求变化时,这个变化将通过更改职责相关的类来体现. 如果一个类拥有多于一个的职责,则这些职责就耦合到在了一起,那么就会有多于一个原因来导致这个类的变…
package jiekou1; public interface ShapePara { //定义常量PI final double PI=3.14; //定义抽象方法 //获得图形面积 double getArea(); //获得图形周长 double getCircumference(); } package jiekou1; public class Circle implements ShapePara { //定义成员变量 public double radius; public d…
1.图形类 package com.yfs.javase; public class Shape { //计算面积方法 public double getArea() { System.out.println("计算面积"); return 0; } } 2.圆 package com.yfs.javase; public class Circle extends Shape { private double r; public Circle(double r) { this.r =…
Description Probability Time Limit: 1 sec Memory Limit: 16MB Consider rectangular coordinate system and point L(X,Y) which is randomly chosen among all points in the area A which is defined in the following manner: A = {(x,y) | x is from interval [-…