geotools导出shapefile出错: Current fid index is null, next must be called before write() 经过查找,发现出现该问题的原因是SQLServer数据库中有几个字符型字段的类型为NVARCAHR类型.NVARCHAR类型支持双字节,shapefile数据是用DBF文件来存储.字符类型text只支持单字节数据.因此,如果字段QI_YUAN在SQLServer定义成NVARCHAR(6…
使用用POI导出文件时抛出异常 Broken pipe ERROR: ' Broken pipe' org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OpenXML4JRuntimeException: Fail to save: an error occurs while saving the package : The part /docProps/core.xml fail to be s…
跑单测用例的时候,以前执行成功的用例,运行时控制台仍然会报 dubbo 相关的错误: Failed to save registry store file, cause: Can not lock the registry cache file 2016-03-22 17:16:05,493 [DubboSaveRegistryCache-thread-1] WARN - [DUBB…