You want to perform the combo on your opponent in one popular fighting game. The combo is the string s consisting of n lowercase Latin letters. To perform the combo, you have to press all buttons in the order they appear in s. I.e. if s="abca" t…
You want to perform the combo on your opponent in one popular fighting game. The combo is the string ss consisting of nn lowercase Latin letters. To perform the combo, you have to press all buttons in the order they appear in ss . I.e. if s=s= "abca&…
Solution 前缀和搞一下即可 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define int long long const int N = 1000005; int T,n,m,p[N],a[N][26],ans[26]; char s[N]; signed main() { ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin>>T; while(T--) { cin>>n>>m>…
In one move, you can add +1 or −1 to any of these integers (i.e. increase or decrease any number by one). You can perform such operation any (possibly, zero) number of times, you can even perform this operation several times with one number. Note tha…
Codeforces Round #624 (Div.3) 题目地址: B题:WeirdSort 题意:给出含有n个元素的数组a,和m个元素的数组p,p中元素表示可调换(p=[3,2]表示a中下标为3和下标为3+1的元素可调换,2和2+1可调换),问能否使得原数组成为非降序数组 思路:暴力,模仿冒泡排序 AC代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> typedef long long ll; using name…
A. Add Odd or Subtract Even 思路: 相同直接为0,如果两数相差为偶数就为2,奇数就为1 #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int main(){ int kk; scanf("%d",&kk); while(kk--){ int n,m; cin>>n>>m; if(n==m) {printf("0\n&qu…
You want to perform the combo on your opponent in one popular fighting game. The combo is the string ss consisting of nn lowercase Latin letters. To perform the combo, you have to press all buttons in the order they appear in ss. I.e. if s=s="abca&qu…
A.Add Odd or Subtract Even 签到题~ #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int T; int a,b; int main () { scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); if (a==b) { printf ("0\n");continue; } ==) { prin…
Codeforce 1311 F. Moving Points 解析(思維.離散化.BIT.前綴和) 今天我們來看看CF1311F 題目連結 題目 略,請直接看原題. 前言 最近寫1900的題目更容易不看題解了,不知道是不是較少人\(AC\)的同難度題目會比較簡單. @copyright petjelinux 版權所有 觀看更多正版原始文章請至petjelinux的blog 想法 首先注意到,如果\(x\)座標上的前後兩點\(x_i,x_j\),\(x_i<x_j\),如果\(v[x_i]>v…
题目大意:给你一个数组每个数不大于9,然后给你m个区间,每个区间的长度都是2的k次方(k=0 1 2.....)  有一种操作是把奇数位和偶数位相加  用和来代替之前的两个数,如果和大于等于10就要膜10并且答案计数+1  .每一个区间询问你需要输出把这个区间的每队奇数位和偶数位不断相加取膜处理.问你最后只剩一个数的时候,取了几次膜. 分析:因为最后都是要加和到只剩一位的,所以直接前缀和然后再除10就是答案了 #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace st…
原文网址: 上一节鸡啄米讲了列表框控件ListBox的使用,本节主要讲解组合框控件Combo Box.组合框同样相当常见,例如,在Windows系统的控制面板上设置语言或位置时,有很多选项,用来进行选择的控件就是组合框控件.它为我们的日常操作提供了很多方便. 组合框控件简介 组合框其实就是把一个编辑框和一个列表框组合到了一起,分为三种:简易(Simple)组合框.下拉式(Dropdown)组合框和下拉列表式(Dro…
time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Archeologists have found a secret pass in the dungeon of one of the pyramids of Cycleland. To enter the treasury they have to open an unusua…
又水了一发Codeforce ,这次继续发发题解顺便给自己PKUSC攒攒人品吧 CodeForces 438C:The Child and Polygon: 描述:给出一个多边形,求三角剖分的方案数(n<=200). 首先很明显可能是区间dp,我们可以记f[i][j]为从i到j的这个多边形的三角剖分数,那么f[i][j]=f[i][k]*f[j][k]*(i,j,k是否为1个合格的三角形) Code: #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #…
[树状数组]区间出现偶数次数的异或和(区间不同数的异或和)@ codeforce 703 D PROBLEM 题目描述 初始给定n个卡片拍成一排,其中第i个卡片上的数为x[i]. 有q个询问,每次询问给定L和R表示,询问的区间[L,R]内的卡片所有出现了偶数次的数的异或和是多少. 输入 输入一行两个整数n,q. 第二行n个整数,第i个数为x[i]. 接下来q行,每行两个整数L和R,表示询问的区间. 输出 输出q行,其中第i行表示第i次询问的区间出现偶数次的数的异或和. 样例输入 3 1 3 7…
上一节鸡啄米讲了列表框控件ListBox的使用,本节主要讲解组合框控件Combo Box.组合框同样相当常见,例如,在Windows系统的控制面板上设置语言或位置时,有很多选项,用来进行选择的控件就是组合框控件.它为我们的日常操作提供了很多方便. 组合框控件简介 组合框其实就是把一个编辑框和一个列表框组合到了一起,分为三种:简易(Simple)组合框.下拉式(Dropdown)组合框和下拉列表式(Drop List)组合框.下面讲讲它们的区别. 简易组合框中的列表框是一直显示的,效果如下图: 下…
A. Karen and Morning time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output Karen is getting ready for a new school day! It is currently hh:mm, given in a 24-hour format. As you know, Karen loves…
智课雅思词汇---十八.前缀peri是什么意思 一.总结 一句话总结:前缀:peri- 表示“周围, 靠近” 词根:-peri- [词根含义]:试验,尝试 [词根来源]:英语experience, experiment和expert共源于由前缀ex-(出)和史前词素-per-(试验,尝试)组成的拉丁语动词experiri(试验,尝试);词根-peri-(试验,尝试)的词源指向即为史前词素-per-(试验,尝试). [同源单词]:experience, experienced, experimen…
D. "Or" Game time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given n numbers a1, a2, ..., an. You can perform at most k operations. For each operation you can multiply one of…
                                                                        D. "Or" Game                                                                             time limit per test 2 seconds You are given n numbers a1, a2, ..., an. You can perfo…
D. 80-th Level Archeology time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Archeologists have found a secret pass in the dungeon of one of the pyramids of Cycleland. To enter the treasury t…
An arithmetic progression is such a non-empty sequence of numbers where the difference between any two successive numbers is constant. This constant number is called common difference. For example, the sequence 3, 7, 11, 15 is an arithmetic progressi…
D - Candies!   Consider a sequence of digits of length [a1,a2,-,a]. We perform the following operation with it: replace pairs (a2i+1,a2i+2) with (a2i+1+a2i+2)mod10 for 0≤i<2k−1. For every i where a2i+1+a2i+2≥10 we get a candy! As a result, we will ge…
Educational Codeforces Round 37 (Rated for Div. 2)C. Swap Adjacent Elements time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output You have an array a consisting of n integers. Each integer from 1…
新鲜热乎的题 Codeforce 1175 D. 题意:给出一个长度为$n$的序列$a$,你需要把它划分为$k$段,每一个元素都需要刚好在其中一段中.分好之后,要计算$\sum_{i=1}^{n} (a_i \centerdot f(i))$,使这个值最大.其中$f(i)$代表第$i$个元素被分在第几段中.简单来说,就是每个元素被分在第几段中就需要乘上几,使序列的和最大. 假设$sum$是$a$的前缀和,$k$个分割点分别为$l_j$,将序列分割为$[1, l_1],[l_1 + 1, l_2]…
Codeforces Round #320 (Div. 1) [Bayan Thanks-Round] 题目链接:B. "Or" Game You are given \(n\) numbers \(a_1, a_2, ..., a_n\). You can perform at most \(k\) operations. For each operation you can multiply one of the numbers by \(x\). We want to make…
转自: 上一节讲了列表框控件ListBox的使用,本节主要讲解组合框控件Combo Box.组合框同样相当常见,例如,在Windows系统的控制面板上设置语言或位置时,有很多选项,用来进行选择的控件就是组合框控件.它为我们的日常操作提供了很多方便. 组合框控件简介 组合框其实就是把一个编辑框和一个列表框组合到了一起,分为三种:简易(Simple)组合框.下拉式(Dropdown)组合框和下拉列表式(Drop Lis…
zhangjiawen@zhangjiawen-PC MINGW64 /d/Docker Toolbox$ docker login --username=绝世随机变量 Cannot perform an interactive login from a non TTY device 尝试在Windows 7上使用DockerToolbox / docker-machine将shell将本地镜像上传 登陆阿里云私库的…
题目 题目本身不难,一棵前缀树OK,但是前两次提交都没有成功. 第一次Memory Limit Exceeded: 前缀树是很费空间的数据结构,每个节点存放了字母(数字)个数个指针,正所谓用空间来换取时间. 我发现我忘记写析构函数了,所以测例多起来还不释放很容易超空间. 树形结构的析构也很有趣: ~Node() { ; i < ; ++i) { if (children[i]) { delete chil…