G - B-number】的更多相关文章

G. Xor-matic Number of the Graph 链接 题意: 给定一个无向图,一个interesting的三元环(u,v,s)满足,从u到v的路径上的异或和等于s,三元环的权值为s,求所有三元环权值之和. 分析: 求出所有的三元环,建立线性基,然后逐位求每一位的贡献. 代码: #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #include&…
G - Xor-matic Number of the Graph 上一道题的加强版本,对于每个联通块需要按位算贡献. #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define LL long long #define fi first #define se second #define mk make_pair #define PII pair<int, int> #define PLI pair<LL, int> #define ull unsigned lo…
/** 题目:G - Harmonic Number (II) 链接:https://vjudge.net/contest/154246#problem/G 题意:给定一个数n,求n除以1~n这n个数的和.n达到2^31 - 1; 思路: 首先我们观察一下数据范围,2^31次方有点大,暴力会超时,所以我们看看有没有啥规律,假设 tmp 是 n/i 的值,当n == 10的时候(取具体值) 当 tmp = 1 时,个数 是10/1 - 10/2 == 5个 当 tmp = 2 时,个数 是10/2…
G. Xor-matic Number of the Graph http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/724/G 题意:给你一张无向图.定义一个无序三元组(u,v,s)表示u到v的(不一定为简单路径)路径上xor值为s.求出这张无向图所有不重复三元组的s之和.1≤n≤10^5,1≤m≤2*10^5. 想法: 如果做过[Wc2011 xor]这道题目(题解),那么问题变得简单起来了. ①假设我们钦定一个(u,v),设任意一条u->v的路径xor值为X,…
题目描述: Bus Number time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output This night wasn't easy on Vasya. His favorite team lost, and he didn't find himself victorious either - although he played p…
算是一个找规律的题目吧. 枚举前sqrt(n)个数,数i出现的次数为n/i-n/(i+1),对答案的贡献为(n/i-n/(i+1))*i. 对于sqrt后边的数,可以直接由n/i获得,并且一定只出现一次. (数学果然博大精深~~~~) code: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; void solve(ll time){ ll n; cin>>n; ll ans=; ll c=sqr…
http://lightoj.com/volume_showproblem.php?problem=1245 G - Harmonic Number (II) Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice LightOJ 1245 Description I was trying to solve problem '1234 - Harmonic…
G. Sequence Number In Linear algebra, we have learned the definition of inversion number: Assuming A is a ordered set with n numbers ( n > 1 ) which are different from each other. If exist positive integers i , j, ( 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n and A[i] > A[j])…
G. Sequence Number In Linear algebra, we have learned the definition of inversion number: Assuming A is a ordered set with n numbers ( n > 1 ) which are different from each other. If exist positive integers i , j, ( 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n and A[i] > A[j])…
<el-input v-model="scope.row.variables.leaderbuweiscores.score" @keyup.native="changeInput(scope.row)" onmousewheel="return false;" οninput="value=value.replace(/[^\d.]/g,'')" type="number" :disabled=&q…
滑动验证的设计与实现J2EE 注:本博文为博主原创,转载请注明出处. 项目源码地址:https://github.com/zhangxy1035/Verify 本篇博文的主要目录如下: 一.项目简介二.项目演示 2.1滑动验证演示 2.2验证码演示三.项目构建 3.1滑动验证的项目构建 3,2验证码生成与实现四.项目总结以及参考资料 一.项目简介 验证码在网页中随处可见,它主要是防止对某一个特定注册用户用特定程序进行暴力破解方式不断的登陆尝试.现在大多数的验证包括,字符验证码.文字验证等.在本博…
一.String Format for Double Digits after decimal point This example formats double to string with fixed number of decimal places. For two decimal places use pattern „0.00“. If a float number has less decimal places, the rest digits on the right will b…
jquery制作点击按钮弹出遮罩半透明登陆窗口 // )[^>]*$|^#([\w-]+)$/,M=/^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,ka=/\S/,$= /^(\s|\u00A0)+|(\s|\u00A0)+$/g,Ya=/^(?:)?$/,ga=navigator.userAgent,Fa=false,ha=[],aa,pa=Object.prototype.toString,qa=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,ra=Array.prototype.push…
The author has a course on web: http://brickisland.net/DDGSpring2016/ It has more reading assignments and sliders which are good for you to understand ddg. ------------------------------------------------------------- DISCRETE DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY :…
引言: from mongoengine import * connect('local')class Test(Document): name=StringField(max_length=32) t = Test(name='Tommy.Yu') 方法 描述 DoesNotExist None MultipleObjectsReturned None cascade_save Recursively saves any references / generic references on a…
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最开始仿真和精度测试,基于 matlab 完成的. Demo_MakeTable.m (生成 Hash 表) %======================================== %*********************************** %******* 设定参数: ***************** %******* l : hash表个数 ******** %******* k : 各表关键字个数 ******* %=======================…
http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2001/05/30/optimization.htmlComparing the performance of LinkedLists and ArrayLists (and Vectors) (Page last updated May 2001, Added 2001-06-18, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Tips: ArrayList is faster than…
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源代码部分:注意事项:样式表的引用的路径要一致. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta htt…
commands : show sys connect sys as sysdba or connect system as sysdba logout or disc clear screen or cle screen (utlsample.sql  —> unlock scott tables.sql  —> all tables data.sql  —> add data into tables) connect scott/tiger start C:\utlsample.sq…
A. One-dimensional Japanese Crossword time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Recently Adaltik discovered japanese crosswords. Japanese crossword is a picture, represented as a tabl…
NOIP模拟赛第7场题解: 题解见:http://www.cqoi.net:2012/JudgeOnline/problemset.php?page=13 题号为2221-2224. 1.car 边界要当做建筑物. 只需要判断是否存在一个'.',至少三面都是建筑.那么这个点就是所谓的“死胡同”. 2.gcd 利用整数唯一分解定理,求出A,B的所有质因数和该质因数出现的次数. 对A,B的公共质因数取其出现次数的最小值,再将该质因数的最小值次幂累乘起来即可. 3.pair 这是一道非常有质量的题,很…
A.Nias and Tug-of-War(sort排序) B.Lowest Unique Price(set+map) C.Game!(博弈) D.Stars E.BIGZHUGOD and His Friends I F.BIGZHUGOD and His Friends II G.Cube Number(质因数分解) H.Square Number(质因数分解) I.Routing Table J.Single Round Math(大数) K.Last Hit L.Circle of F…
Solved ID PID Title Accepted Submit   A 2407 Impasse (+) 0 0   B 2415 Chess 0 0   C 2414 An interesting game 0 1   D 2413 n a^o7 ! 25 41   E 2412 Fruit Ninja I 0 2   F 2411 Pixel density 8 100   G 2410 Mine Number 0 0   H 2409 The Best Seat in ACM Co…
Dialog.js的相关注释已经添加,可以按照注释,进行相关样式的修改,适用于自定义的各个系统! dialog.js /** * jQuery的Dialog插件. * * @param object content * @param object options 选项. * @return */ function Dialog(content, options) { var defaults = { // 默认值. title:'标题', // 标题文本,若不想显示title请通过CSS设置其d…
password 123 A http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/view.action?cid=96950#problem/A 题意:n个数初始ai,m次操作,查询某个点的值,或者区间加上一个数,对于加的操作,是区间中的每一个元素下标i的倍数 i 2i 3i ...都加上这个数. 解法:先预处理出n个下标的所有因子,加的操作只加区间内的,就是一倍的地方.所以对于加操作就是正常的区间加上一个值,对于查询,就需要把这个下标的因子的值都加上.需要输入挂,树状数…
The Atmel® ATSHA204 is a full turnkey security device. It includes a 4.5Kb EEPROM divided into 16 slots. This array can be used for storage of keys, miscellaneous read/write, read-only, password or secret data, and consumption tracking. Access to the…
快速指南: sed 的一般使用方法:sed -option 'adress|command' -f scpritfiles(1)'|' 只是用来说明性的分隔 adress 和 command,实际使用中不应该出现.部分选项是可选的,但没有标明.(2)可以使用 -e 选项来在一次 sed 操作中使用多个脚本:例如:sed -e '1a sss' -e '3a dddd' file-name.该命令在第一行和第三行后面添加行.   注意:sed 对于每一行按照从左到右的方法对每一个脚本的触发条件进行…
作为一个勤劳的corder,在大年三十的前一天还留守在公司的最前线.百无聊赖中看到一套关于js的测试题,测试过后发现有些题还是有很大的意义,至少能够让我门对js基础有所重视.本人将每道题的考察点总结了一下,希望能够帮助还游荡在js门外的同学们,由于本人也是js新手,文中如有不妥望大神们指出,共同进步. 话不多说,直接上题: 1. 下面函数的返回值是? (function(){ return typeof arguments; })(); A. "object" B. "arr…