
妹子(girls) 题目描述 万人迷皮皮轩收到了很多妹子的礼物,由于皮皮轩觉得每个妹子都不错,所以将她们礼物的包装盒都好好保存,但长此以往皮皮轩的房间里都堆不下了,所以只能考虑将一些包装盒放进其他包装盒里节省空间. 方便起见,我们不考虑包装盒的高度和厚度,只考虑包装盒的长宽. 一句话题意:给出两个矩形,问是否可以将一个矩形放在另一个矩形的内部(含边界),多测. 输入 第一行,一个整数\(n\),表示数据组数. 对于下面的每一组数据: 第一行,四个整数\(a_1,b_1,a_2,b_2\)表示两个…
有感于Ruby Girls和Python Girls,在15年就想组织一次移动测试的妹子活动,框架选择Appium, 从15年夏天开始准备,申请Google的会议室,招募教练,开放报名,审核报名,到正式活动已经是16年的1月23号了,囧 当天上海还下起了大雪,不过丝毫不影响教练和妹子们的热情,学员20人实到17人. 活动日程表 时间 内容 10:00-10:30 签到 10:30-11:00 致欢迎词,介绍Testerhome和Appium Girls 11:00-12:30 WORKSHOP…
背景: 前几天,有个认识了好几年的网友,现在是大学生,在厦门读大一,说和她同学要一起到广州找兼职,看我有没有介绍. 像我这么积极热心善良的人,就说帮她找找看,结果问了几次,没消息,只好诚实的回复人家,没找着. 木有想到,妹子突然就杀到了广州,说已经在在她广州的朋友那里了,既然到广州了,就只能继续帮人家找了. 以前,我又为找兼职是一件很容易的事,找过一圈,才发现:理论和实践的距离,在哪里都如天地间般遥远. 然后以下就是我整个找帮找兼职的过程: 寻找过的六道无回: 1:作为园子里的资深人员,我在园子…
3809: Gty的二逼妹子序列 Time Limit: 80 Sec  Memory Limit: 28 MBSubmit: 1387  Solved: 400[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Autumn和Bakser又在研究Gty的妹子序列了!但他们遇到了一个难题.   对于一段妹子们,他们想让你帮忙求出这之内美丽度∈[a,b]的妹子的美丽度的种类数.   为了方便,我们规定妹子们的美丽度全都在[1,n]中.   给定一个长度为n(1<=n<=1…
We Love MOE Girls Time Limit: 1000/500 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 572    Accepted Submission(s): 378 Problem Description Chikami Nanako is a girl living in many different parallel worlds. In this…
3809: Gty的二逼妹子序列 Time Limit: 80 Sec  Memory Limit: 28 MBSubmit: 1072  Solved: 292[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Autumn和Bakser又在研究Gty的妹子序列了!但他们遇到了一个难题. 对于一段妹子们,他们想让你帮忙求出这之内美丽度∈[a,b]的妹子的美丽度的种类数. 为了方便,我们规定妹子们的美丽度全都在[1,n]中. 给定一个长度为n(1<=n<=100000)…
NPY and girls Problem Description NPY's girlfriend blew him out!His honey doesn't love him any more!However, he has so many girlfriend candidates.Because there are too many girls and for the convenience of management, NPY numbered the girls from 1 to…
HDU   3294 Problem Description One day, sailormoon girls are so delighted that they intend to research about palindromic strings. Operation contains two steps:First step: girls will write a long string (only contains lower case) on the paper. For exa…
前提假设 妹子们一生中可以遇到100个追求者,追求者的优秀程度符合正态分布: 每个妹子都具备判断并比较追求者优秀程度的能力: 接受或拒绝一个追求者后永远无法后悔. 那么,问题来了 当遇到追求者时,如何选择才能获得最优结果? 如果人的优秀程度符合均值为80,方差20的正态分布,随机产生100个追求者,其优秀程度分布情况见下图: p=rnorm(100,80,20) hist(p,main="追求者--统计", ylab="数量", xlab="优秀程度&qu…
Girls and Boys Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://poj.org/problem?id=1466 Description In the second year of the university somebody started a study on the romantic relations between the students. The relation "romantically involved&q…
题目传送门 /* 杭电一题(ACM_steps 2.2.4)的升级版,使用到高精度: 这次不是简单的猜出来的了,求的是GCD (n, k) == 1 最大的k(1, n/2): 1. 若n是奇数,则k = (n-1) / 2: 2. 若n是偶数,讨论(n-1)/2 的奇偶性,若不是奇数,则是n/2-2: 详细解释(证明):http://www.xuebuyuan.com/1552889.html */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #i…
Girls and Boys Time Limit: 20000/10000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 5565    Accepted Submission(s): 2481 Problem Descriptionthe second year of the university somebody started a study on the romanti…
Description Autumn和Bakser又在研究Gty的妹子序列了!但他们遇到了一个难题.   对于一段妹子们,他们想让你帮忙求出这之内美丽度∈[a,b]的妹子的美丽度的种类数.   为了方便,我们规定妹子们的美丽度全都在[1,n]中.   给定一个长度为n(1<=n<=100000)的正整数序列s(1<=si<=n),对于m(1<=m<=1000000)次询问“l,r,a,b”,每次输出sl...sr中,权值∈[a,b]的权值的种类数. Input 第一行包…
A - Chinese Girls' Amusement Time Limit: 2000/1000MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 128000/64000KB (Java/Others) SubmitStatus Problem Description       You must have heard that the Chinese culture is quite different from that of Europe or Russia. So som…
Girls' research Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65535/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 537    Accepted Submission(s): 199 Problem Description One day, sailormoon girls are so delighted that they intend to research abo…
Girls and Boys Time Limit: 20000/10000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 7577    Accepted Submission(s): 3472 Problem Description the second year of the university somebody started a study on the romant…
                                                            Girls and Boys Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 12192   Accepted: 5454 Description In the second year of the university somebody started a study on the romantic r…
题目连接 http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2579 Dating with girls(2) Description If you have solved the problem Dating with girls(1).I think you can solve this problem too.This problem is also about dating with girls. Now you are in a maze and th…
题目连接 http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2578 Dating with girls(1) Description Everyone in the HDU knows that the number of boys is larger than the number of girls. But now, every boy wants to date with pretty girls. The girls like to date with…
Girls: different perspectives to consider成为极品女人的十大要素The point of articles such as these isn't to dictate how you're supposed to live. The point is to offer you different perspectives to consider, so you can make more conscious and deliberate choices…
http://poj.org/problem?id=1466 Girls and Boys Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 11085   Accepted: 4956 Description In the second year of the university somebody started a study on the romantic relations between the students…
一个负心汉即将移情别恋,从51转到ARM妹子啦?其实8是的,俺准备开后宫.哇——咔~咔~~.考虑功耗和成本等问题,只有51肯定是不够的,所以嘛~~(一脸坏笑)嘿嘿~~,ARM妹子俺追定了.出于对ARM妹子的渴望,准备DIY个属于自己ARM妹子.“现在ARM学习板都很便宜,买一块不就得了,何必自己搞!”.个人考虑到既然是嵌入式开发:秉着软硬件皆可裁剪宗旨.至少要了解IC,了解硬件的制作,对软件的开发会有一定的帮助.不知道有多大的帮助,但一定会有.“来吧--- 丢鸡蛋过来吧-- ,不要忘记丢番茄--…
问题描述 今天CZY又找到了三个妹子,有着收藏爱好的他想要找三个地方将妹子们藏起来,将一片空地抽象成一个R行C列的表格,CZY要选出3个单元格.但要满足如下的两个条件: (1)任意两个单元格都不在同一行. (2)任意两个单元格都不在同一列. 选取格子存在一个花费,而这个花费是三个格子两两之间曼哈顿距离的和(如(x1,y1)和(x,y2)的曼哈顿距离为|x1-x2|+|y1-y2|).狗狗想知道的是,花费在minT到maxT之间的方案数有多少. 答案模1000000007.所谓的两种不同方案是指:…
Dating with girls(2) Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 2705    Accepted Submission(s): 759 Problem Description If you have solved the problem Dating with girls(1).I think you can s…
3720: Gty的妹子树 Time Limit: 10 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 412  Solved: 153[Submit][Status] Description 我曾在弦歌之中听过你, 檀板声碎,半出折子戏. 舞榭歌台被风吹去, 岁月深处尚有余音一缕…… Gty神(xian)犇(chong)从来不缺妹子…… 他来到了一棵妹子树下,发现每个妹子有一个美丽度…… 由于Gty很哲♂学,他只对美丽度大于某个值的妹子感兴趣. 他想知道某个子树中美丽度大于…
Girls and Boys Time Limit: 20000/10000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 8470    Accepted Submission(s): 3890 Problem Description the second year of the university somebody started a study on the romant…
3744: Gty的妹子序列 Time Limit: 15 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 101  Solved: 34[Submit][Status] Description 我早已习惯你不在身边,   人间四月天 寂寞断了弦.   回望身后蓝天,   跟再见说再见……     某天,蒟蒻Autumn发现了从 Gty的妹子树(bzoj3720) 上掉落下来了许多妹子,他发现   她们排成了一个序列,每个妹子有一个美丽度.   Bakser神犇与他打算研究一下…
3809: Gty的二逼妹子序列 Time Limit: 35 Sec  Memory Limit: 28 MBSubmit: 868  Solved: 234[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Autumn和Bakser又在研究Gty的妹子序列了!但他们遇到了一个难题.   对于一段妹子们,他们想让你帮忙求出这之内美丽度∈[a,b]的妹子的美丽度的种类数.   为了方便,我们规定妹子们的美丽度全都在[1,n]中.   给定一个长度为n(1<=n<=10…
Description 我早已习惯你不在身边, 人间四月天 寂寞断了弦. 回望身后蓝天, 跟再见说再见-- 某天,蒟蒻Autumn发现了从 Gty的妹子树上掉落下来了许多妹子,他发现 她们排成了一个序列,每个妹子有一个美丽度. Bakser神犇与他打算研究一下这个妹子序列,于是Bakser神犇问道:"你知道区间\([l,r]\)中妹子们美丽度的逆序对数吗?" 蒟蒻Autumn只会离线乱搞啊--但是Bakser神犇说道:"强制在线." 请你帮助一下Autumn吧. 给…
Girls and Boys Time Limit: 5000ms Memory Limit: 10000KB This problem will be judged on PKU. Original ID: 1466 64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main In the second year of the university somebody started a study on the romantic(浪漫的)…