We just wrote some new documentation on how Gitlab uses Unicorn and unicorn-worker-killer, available on doc.gitlab.com but also included below. We would love to hear from the community if you have other questions so we can improve this documentation…
$ unicorn_rails -h Usage: unicorn_rails [ruby options] [unicorn_rails options] [rackup config file] Ruby options: -e, --eval LINE evaluate a LINE of code -d, --debug set debugging flags (set $DEBUG to true) -w, --warn turn warnings on for your script…
PS:第一次写的很详细,可惜发布失败,然后全没了,这是第二次,表示只贴代码,剩下的自己领悟好了,这就是所谓的一鼓作气再而衰吧,希望没有第三次. 版本: ruby 2.1.0 rails 4.0.2 nginx 1.5.8 mainline version unicorn 4.7.0 /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf user NginxUser NginxGroup; worker_processes ; events { worker_connections ;…
ruby的几个web server,按照开发活跃度.并发方案及要点.适用场景等分析puma vs passenger vs rainbows! vs unicorn vs thin. 1. thin: 长久未更新, 2. unicorn: 未测试. 3. opensource passenger or enterprise passenger:  open source版只支持多进程*1线程,enterprise版收费,但支持多进程*多线程.性能不如其宣传的好,甚至比unicorn 和 puma…
gem install unicorn or gem 'unciron' 1 install Nginx yum install ... 2 Configuration vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf It's adviced to run as a seperae user. Here is a example: sudo user add -s /sbin/nologin -r nginx sudo usermod -a -G web nginx ; add nginx u…
因为在Mac下安装pwntools,发现安装unicorn库的时候失败了,编译报错如下 make: *** [qemu/config-host.h-timestamp] Error 1 error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'libunicorn.dylib' ---------------------------------------- 那怎么办呢,你能帮帮我吗? 手动安装方法如下: 1 安装unicorn > brew install un…
gitlab服务器搭建教程 ----2016年终总结 三 参考https://bbs.gitlab.cc/topic/35/gitlab-ce-8-7-%E6%BA%90%E7%A0%81%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%85%E6%89%8B%E5%86%8C-centos6-rehl6/2 及https://doc.gitlab.cc/ce/install/installation.html 大量参考以上两篇文档,整理并实际操作的总结 目录: 1.原料 2.基础环境 3.数据库安装 4.Git…
+ +exec chpst -e /opt/gitlab/etc/gitlab-workhorse/env -P \ + -U git \ + -u git \ + /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitlab-workhorse \ + -listenNetwork tcp \ + -listenUmask \ + -listenAddr /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/socket \ + -authBacke…
前言 持续交付 版本控制器:Gitlab.GitHub 持续集成工具:jenkins 部署工具:ansible  课程安排 Gitlab搭建与流程使用 Ansible环境配置与Playbook编写规范 Jenkins环境构建与任务编写 Freestyle任务实现静态网站部署交付 Pipeline任务实现WordPress部署交付 适用对象 从事运维相关岗位的同学 想了解持续交付领域的同学 想拓宽自己的同学 奋战在运维交付第一线的同学 GitLab 什么是GitLab? GitLab是一个开源分布…
在rails app的 config 文件夹中新建unicorn.rb内容如下 worker_processes 2 working_directory "/home/mage/boleht" listen "/tmp/unicorn.boleht.sock" listen 19555, :tcp_nopush => true timeout 120 pid "/home/mage/boleht/tmp/pids/unicorn.pid"…