Objective-C Composite Objects】的更多相关文章

We can create subclass within a class cluster that defines a class that embeds within it an object. These class objects are composite objects. So you might be wondering what's a class cluster. So we will first see what's a class cluster. Class Cluste…
https://dzone.com/articles/composite-design-pattern-in-java-1 The composite pattern is meant to "compose objects into a tree structure to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects un…
Factory, Abstract factory, prototype pattern (B) What are design patterns? (A) Can you explain factory pattern? (I) Can you explain abstract factory pattern? (I)Can you explain builder pattern? (I) Can you explain prototype pattern? (A) Can you expla…
Bridge Pattern, Composite Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Facade Pattern, COR Pattern, Proxy Pattern, template Pattern, MVC. Updated with the explanation of Composite pattern, Decorator Pattern and Template Pattern. Design Pattern Interview Question - Pa…
linux内核的linux-3.6.5\Documentation\kbuild\makefiles.txt Linux Kernel Makefiles This document describes the Linux kernel Makefiles. === Table of Contents === Overview === Who does what === The kbuild files --- 3.1 Goal definitions --- 3.2 Built-in obje…
--译自Linux3.9.5 Kernel Makefiles(内核目录documention/kbuild/makefiles.txt) kbuild(kernel build) 内核编译器 This document describes the Linux kernel Makefiles 本文档介绍了Linux内核的Makefile === Table of Contents === 目录 === 1 Overview === 1 概述 === 2 Who does what === 2…
转:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/703634/SOLID-architecture-principles-using-simple-Csharp?msg=4729987#xx4729987xx http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/28309/Design-pattern-FAQ-Part-1-Training S stands for SRP (Single responsibility principle):- A…
cg教程下载: http://cgpeers.com http://cgpersia.com http://bbs.ideasr.com/forum-328-1.html http://bbs.ideasr.com/forum-337-1.html  (杂志&期刊) http://www.rr-sc.com/ http://forum.gfxnews.orghttp://rutracker.org www.9iv.com http://www.ccgtv.cn/     资讯 http://ww…
3 Kbuild文件 大部分内核中的Makefile都是使用Kbuild组织结构的Kbuild Makefile.这章将介绍Kbuild Makefile的语法. 对于Kbuild文件名来讲,Kbuild编译系统更倾向于使用"Makefile"这个名字,当然"Kbuild"也是可以用的.但如果"Makefile"和"Kbuild"同时存在的话,Kbuild编译系统使用的将会是"Kbuild"文件. 3.1节…
Automake是用来根据Makefile.am生成Makefile.in的工具 标准Makefile目标 'make all' Build programs, libraries, documentation, etc. (same as 'make'). 'make install' Install what needs to be installed, copying the files from the package's tree to system-wide directories.…