测试端口是否开放的python脚本 原文: 配置: 下面会返回数据. telnet 80 不能获取到81端口下的web服务的数据. telnet 81 就可以发送数据了, nginx 的access.log的日志: ------------------------------------------------------…
The following expect script achieves a simple telnet client: login -> send command -> exit. The point is the form of prompt in regular expression. You have to add 3 backslash before "[", "]" and "$", and add "-re&q… Character data is represented incorrectly when the code page of the client computer differs from the code page of the database in SQL Server 2005 Email Print SYMPTOMS Consider the following scenario: In…
Step 1: Install the Test Client package Install the WebApiTestClient package from the NuGet Package Manager. Make sure to “Include Prerelease” then just type in “WebApiTestClient” and click Install. Once the package is installed, it will add the foll…
#!Nonblocking I/O - Chapter 5 import socket,sys,select port=51423 host='localhost' spinsize=10 spinpos=0 spindir=1 def spin(): global spinsize,spinpos,spindir spinstr='.'*spinpos+'|'+'.'*(spinsize-spinpos-1) sys.stdout.write('\r'+spins…
摘自:PyWin32.chm Introduction This documents how to quickly start using COM from Python. It is not a thorough discussion of the COM system, or of the concepts introduced by COM. Other good information on COM can be found in various conference tutorials… Real Time Terminal SEGGER's Real Time Terminal (RTT) is the new technology for interactive user I/O in embedded applications.With RTT it is possible to output information from the target microcontroller…
转发. [Tutorial & Sample] How to use OData Client Code Generator to generate client-side proxy class             Rate This                            layla liu…
第32章      RL-TCPnet之Telnet服务器 本章节为大家讲解RL-TCPnet的Telnet应用,学习本章节前,务必要优先学习第31章的Telnet基础知识.有了这些基础知识之后,再搞本章节会有事半功倍的效果. 本章教程含STM32F407开发板和STM32F429开发板. 32.1  初学者重要提示 32.2  Telnet函数 32.3  Telnet配置说明(Net_Config.c) 32.4  Telnet调试说明(Net_Debug.c) 32.5  Telnet访问…
Code Project精彩系列(转)   Code Project精彩系列(转)   Applications Crafting a C# forms Editor From scratch 建立一个类似C#的环境, 实现控件拖拉,属性 Packet Capture and Analayzer 网络封包截获…