reset Cisco 2960 password】的更多相关文章

#!/usr/bin/env python2 ##### ## Cisco RV110W Password Disclosure and OS Command Execute. ### Tested on version: (maybe useable on and later.) # Exploit Title: Cisco RV110W Password Disclosure and OS Command Execute # Date: 2018-08 # E…
配置密码: 2960>en :第一次密码为空 2960h#conf t :进入全局配置模式 2960(config)#hostname swa :设置交换机名 2960(config)#enable secret aaa :设置特权加密口令为 aaa 2960(config)#enable password aax :设置特权非密口令为 aax 2960(config)#line console 0 :进入控制台口(Rs232) 2960(config-line)#password aa :设置…
Reset 10.5 Leopard & 10.6 Snow Leopard password Power on or restart your Mac. At the chime (or grey screen if your chime is turned off), hold down Command+S on your keyboard to enter single-user mode. This step is optional, but it’s a good idea becau…
个人在Mac上操作数据库,遇到的启动数据库问题的简单记录 1.苹果->系统偏好设置->最下边点mysql 在弹出页面中 关闭mysql服务(点击stop mysql server) 2.进入终端输入:cd /usr/local/mysql/bin/ 回车后 登录管理员权限 sudo su 回车后输入以下命令来禁止mysql验证功能 ./mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & 回车后mysql会自动重启(偏好设置中mysql的状态会变成running) 3.输…
一. 基本操作 Switch(config)#hostname test01(交换机名称) //全局模式下修改交换机名称 Switch(config)#enable secret 123456 //全局模式下设置登陆特权加密密码 Switch(config)#enable password 123456 //全局模式下设置登陆特权非加密密码 Switch#show vlan //特权模式下查看Vlan信息 Switch#show interfaces fa0/1 //特权模式下查看端口信息 Sw…
重置gitlab管理员密码 Log into your server with root privileges. Then start a Ruby on Rails console. Start the console with this command: gitlab-rails console production Wait until the console has loaded. There are multiple ways to find your user. You can se…
There are many reasons you might want to reset a password: Someone gave you a computer with Ubuntu installed on it but not the password for the user account. You just installed Ubuntu and forgot what password you selected during the installation proc…
环境 Mysql版本:5.7.12 操作系统:OSX 10.11 安装文件:.dmg文件 MySQL:mysql-5.7.12-osx10.11-x86_64.dmg(注意5.7跟之前的字段有些不同,下面会说) Step 1 关闭mysql服务.无论你有没有开启mysql服务,保险起见都要运行一下以下命令. sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server stop (注:我这里报错了:ERROR! MySQL server PID file co…
一.基于VMPS的动态VLAN配置实例 网络中VLAN实现分为静态 VLAN和动态VLAN.静态VLAN又被称为是基于端口的VLAN.顾名思义,就是明确指定各端口属于哪个VLAN的设定方法,交换机中某个端口属于哪 个VLAN是相对固定的.动态VLAN则是根据每个端口所连的计算机,随时改变端口所属VLAN. 静态VLAN在这里我们就不讲了,由于网络中的计算机需要变更所连端口时,就必须同时更改所连端口所属VLAN的设定-----这是不适合那些需要频繁改变拓扑结构的客户需求的. 而动态VLAN则不同,…