POJ 1149 PIGS】的更多相关文章

题目大意:是有M个猪圈,N个顾客,顾客要买猪,神奇的是顾客有一些猪圈的钥匙而主人MIRKO却没有钥匙,多么神奇?顾客可以在打开的猪圈购买任意数量的猪,只要猪圈里有足够数量的猪.而且当顾客打开猪圈后mirko就可以在打开的猪圈之间任意调整猪的数量,(顾客走了之后猪圈要关闭).问mirko怎样做能使顾客买到最多的猪 思路如下:(也是查的,具体原理和原因明天更新) 1.取超级源点和超级汇点: 2.当猪圈被第一次打开时,在源点与当前顾客之间连接一条边,容量为该猪圈的猪的头数: 3.当某个猪圈 不是被第一…
PIGS Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 20738   Accepted: 9481 Description Mirko works on a pig farm that consists of M locked pig-houses and Mirko can't unlock any pighouse because he doesn't have the keys. Customers come t…
PIGS Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 20579   Accepted: 9387 Description Mirko works on a pig farm that consists of M locked pig-houses and Mirko can't unlock any pighouse because he doesn't have the keys. Customers come t…
PIGS Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 18727   Accepted: 8508 Description Mirko works on a pig farm that consists of M locked pig-houses and Mirko can't unlock any pighouse because he doesn't have the keys. Customers come t…
PIGS Time Limit: 1000ms Memory Limit: 10000KB This problem will be judged on PKU. 64-bit integer(整数) IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main   Mirko works on a pig farm that consists of M locked pig-houses and Mirko can't unlock any pighouse becau…
Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Description Mirko works on a pig farm that consists of M locked pig-houses and Mirko can't unlock any pighouse because he doesn't have the keys. Customers come to the farm one after another. Each of them has ke…
Description Mirko works on a pig farm that consists of M locked pig-houses and Mirko can't unlock any pighouse because he doesn't have the keys. Customers come to the farm one after another. Each of them has keys to some pig-houses and wants to buy a…
PIGS Description Mirko works on a pig farm that consists of M locked pig-houses and Mirko can't unlock any pighouse because he doesn't have the keys. Customers come to the farm one after another. Each of them has keys to some pig-houses and wants to…
题意: m n   //有m个猪圈,n个人卖猪. a1...am    //编号为i的猪圈里有ai头猪. b1 c1...cb1 d1   //第i个人有bi把钥匙,分别是ci猪圈的,其它猪圈里的猪都是锁着的   他最多买di头猪 . . . bn c1...cbn dn 注意的是假如某买主有第一和第二个猪圈的钥匙,那么他买完猪以后这两个猪圈的个数我们可以随意调整,调整完将猪圈锁上. 求:最多能卖多少猪 思路: 源点到每个猪圈建边,容量为这个猪圈的猪的数量,然后买主与他有钥匙的猪圈建边,容量in…
[题意] 有M个猪圈,每个猪圈里初始时有若干头猪.一开始所有猪圈都是关闭的.依 次来了N个顾客,每个顾客分别会打开指定的几个猪圈,从中买若干头猪.每 个顾客分别都有他能够买的数量的上限.每个顾客走后,他打开的那些猪圈中的 猪,都可以被任意地调换到其它开着的猪圈里,然后所有猪圈重新关上.问总共 最多能卖出多少头猪.(1 <= N <= 100, 1 <= M <= 1000) 非常好的一道网络流建模题!最大的收获就是: 在面对网络流问题时,如果一时想不出很好的构图方法,不如先构造一个…