In 2015, React Native (RN) was born. At that time, few people paid attention to it because it was still immature with even few basic controls. Then, with the iteration of the RN project, the functions became more and more perfect. Although there has…
CONTENTS Reading time: 14 minutes Cross-platform mobile development has long been a viable alternative to fully native engineering. Following the classic native approach, you produce two different applications: one written in Java for Android and the…
本文来自于腾讯bugly开发者社区,非经作者同意,请勿转载,原文地址: “8小时内拼工作,8小时外拼成长”这是大家共同的理想.除了每天忙于工作外,我们都希望能更多地区吸收领域内的新知识与新技能,从而走向人生巅峰. Dev Club 是一个交流移动开发技术,结交朋友,扩展人脉的社群,成员都是经过审核的移动开发工程师.每周都会举行嘉宾分享,话题讨论等活动. 上一期我们邀请了腾讯SNG工程师“王少鸣”分享了…