Abstract The explosive scale of container CPUs needs highly efficient network virtualization Challenge The number of container-based CPUs will be 10-100 multiples up over that of hypervisor-based virtual machines; cloud networking needs upgrade to…
Background: Windows Azure Cloud Services 可以在本地调试,使用Visual Studio 2012 + 模拟器 Emulator.但是模拟器的工作状态和环境和真实的云环境还是有区别的. 所以有些问题,需要远程调试(Remote Debug) Steps: 1.Local :Install IDE Visual Studio 2012 at local 2.Remote Machine:远程机器需要安装Remote Tools for Visual Stud…
文章名称:An SDN-NFV Platform for Personal Cloud Services 发表时间:2017 期刊来源:IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 解决问题:提出一个INPUT平台,该平台考虑的是服务的低时延与服务边缘化二者间问题.将雾计算与SDN/NFV结合支持个人云服务. 所做贡献: 1.提出INPUT范例(即雾计算与SDN/NFV结合的接口实现) 2.提出一些范例的实现(例如虚拟机顶盒) 不足之处:…
Paulo: What sort of MVC examples are you looking for? Daniele Teti has some great articles on building an MVC desktop application:http://www.danieleteti.it/a-simple-start-with-mvp-in-delphi-for-win32-part-1/As well as his MVC web server framework:htt…
How to Monitor Cloud Services To use this feature and other new Windows Azure capabilities, sign up for the free preview. You can monitor key performance metrics for your cloud services in the Windows Azure Management Portal. You can set the level of…
How to Manage Cloud Services To use this feature and other new Windows Azure capabilities, sign up for the free preview. In the Cloud Services area of the Windows Azure Management Portal, you can update a service role or a deployment, promote a stage…
How to Configure Cloud Services To use this feature and other new Windows Azure capabilities, sign up for the free preview. You can configure the most commonly used settings for a cloud service in the Windows Azure Management Portal. Or, if you like…
This document provides guidance on how to make an informed decision in choosing between Windows Azure Web Sites, Cloud Services, and virtual machines to host a web application. Each of these services allows you to run highly scalable web applications…
在这个“大数据”的时代,传统的跨平台C++库Qt已经将魔爪丧心病狂的伸向了“云计算”.在2012年的Qt开发者大会上,Qt发布了BaaS(Backend as a Service)服务——Enginio,旨在为用户提供一个NoSQL数据库的后端平台.截至到(2014年9月),Qt云服务(Qt Cloud Services,简称“QTC”)已经发展成为了提供以下三种服务的云平台: Managed Application Runtime (MAR) Enginio Data Storage (EDS…
Abstract: This paper presents our design and experience with Andromeda,  Google Cloud Platform’s network virtualization  stack 本文介绍了我们使用Andromedia(google云平台的网络虚拟化堆栈)的设计和经验. 我们的生产部署提出了一些具有挑战性的要求,包括客户虚拟网络之间的性能隔离.可扩展性.大量虚拟主机的快速供应.与底层硬件基本无法区分的带宽和延迟,以及高功能…