Til the Cows Come Home(spfa做法)】的更多相关文章

POJ.2387 Til the Cows Come Home (SPFA) 题意分析 首先给出T和N,T代表边的数量,N代表图中点的数量 图中边是双向边,并不清楚是否有重边,我按有重边写的. 直接跑spfa,dij,floyd都可以. 求1到N的最短路. 代码总览 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <stack>…
Til the Cows Come Home Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 37662   Accepted: 12836 Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the…
传送门 Til the Cows Come Home Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 46727   Accepted: 15899 Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for…
Til the Cows Come Home Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 33015   Accepted: 11174 Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the…
Til the Cows Come Home Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the morning milking. Bessie needs her beauty sleep, so she wants to get back as quickly…
Til the Cows Come Home Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice POJ 2387 Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farme…
POJ 2387 Til the Cows Come Home (图论,最短路径) Description Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the morning milking. Bessie needs her beauty sleep, so she wants to g…
Til the Cows Come Home Bessie is out in the field and wants to get back to the barn to get as much sleep as possible before Farmer John wakes her for the morning milking. Bessie needs her beauty sleep, so she wants to get back as quickly as possible.…
Til the Cows Come Home 最短路Dijkstra+bellman(普通+优化) 贝西在田里,想在农夫约翰叫醒她早上挤奶之前回到谷仓尽可能多地睡一觉.贝西需要她的美梦,所以她想尽快回来. 农场主约翰的田里有n(2<=n<=1000)个地标,唯一编号为1..n.地标1是谷仓:贝西整天站在其中的苹果树林是地标n.奶牛在田里行走时使用地标间不同长度的T(1<=t<=2000)双向牛道.贝西对自己的导航能力没有信心,所以一旦开始,她总是沿着一条从开始到结束的路线行进. 根…
原题链接:Til the Cows Come Home 题目大意:有  个点,给出从  点到  点的距离并且  和  是互相可以抵达的,问从  到  的最短距离. 题目分析:这是一道典型的最短路径模版题,需要注意的是:使用dijkstra算法求解需要考虑有重复边问题,而使用bellman-ford算法 和 spfa算法 可以忽略这个问题. 代码如下: // Dijkstra #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int INTFY = 1…