pip安装包报错:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required Unable to find vcvarsall.bat Windows7下pip安装包报错:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required Unable to find vcvarsall.bat 在Windows7x64下使用pip安装包的时候提示报错:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsal…
yum 安装报错 "Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit... The other application is: PackageKit Memory : 153 M RSS (266 MB VSZ) Started: Thu Jul 12 00:03:05 2012 - 06:17 ago State : Sleeping, pid: 4018Another app is currently…
yum安装报错有冲突file /usr/lib64/php/modules/fileinfo.so conflicts between attempted installs of php-pecl-fileinfo-1.0.4-2.el6.rf.x86 64 and php-common-5.3.3-46.el6 6.x86 64 遇到这个情况的时候 是库冲突了 需要修改文件 vim /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo 将里面的enable=1 …
centos在yum install报错:Another app is currently holding the yum lock,这个问题可能是很多的新手经常遇到问题,之前也有人问我,包括本人在刚刚学习centos的时候也遇到过. Another app is currently holding the yum lock,这个意思很明显就是说,有另外一个应用在使用yum,被占用锁定了,所以咋办呢,直接结束掉呗. 可以通过强制关掉yum进程: # rm -f /var/run/yum.pid…