直接看代码: package com.cn.spring.aop.impl; //加减乘除的接口类 public interface ArithmeticCalculator { int add(int i, int j); int sub(int i, int j); int mul(int i, int j); int div(int i, int j); } package com.cn.spring.aop.impl; import org.springframework.stereot…
关于Spring AOP,可以去看看官方文档: https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/core.html#aop Aspect: A modularization of a concern that cuts across multiple classes. Transaction management is a good example of a crosscutting…
接上一篇aop注解快速开发 @Component @Aspect //标注当前aspect是切面类 public class MyAspect { @Before("Pointcut()") public void before(){ System.out.println("前置增强..."); } @After("Pointcut()") public void afterReturning(){ System.out.println(&quo…