直接在oracle 递归查询语句 select * from groups start with id=:DeptId connect by prior superiorid =id 往下找 select * from groups start with id=:DeptId connect by prior id=superiorid…
最近学习oracle的一些知识,发现自己sql还是很薄弱,需要继续学习,现在总结一下哈. (1)oracle递归查询 start with ... connect by prior ,至于是否向上查询(根节点)还是向下查询(叶节点),主要看prior后面跟的字段是否是父ID. 向上查询:select * from test_tree_demo start with id=1 connect by prior pid=id 查询结果: 向下查询:select * from test_tree…
11:47 2016/11/30Before you can load a level you have to add it to the list of levels used in the game. Use File->Build Settings... in Unity and add the levels you need to the level list there. MonoBehaviour.OnLevelWasLoaded is called on all active ga…