We can use the destructing and rest parameters at the same time when dealing with Array opration. Example 1: let [first, ...remainingUsers] = ["Sam", "Tyler", "Brook"]; addActiveUsers(first, remainingUsers); // "Sam"…
D:\vuejselement\workSpace\zutnlp_platform_show>cnpm install --save core-js/modules/es6.array.find-index × Install fail! Error: [@core-js/modules/es6.array.find-index] resolved target D:\vuejselement\workSpace\zutnlp_platform_show\core-js\modules\es6.…
导航目录 /** * javascript - array * * ES5: * join() * push() * pop() * shift() * unshift() * sort() * reverse() * concat * slice * indexOf() * lastIndexOf() * forEach() * map() * filter() * every() * some() * reduce * reduceRight * * * ES6: * Array.from(…
// es6 set数据结构 生成一个数据集 里面的元素是唯一的 const items = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5]); // items 是个对象 items.size // 5 console.log(items.has(1)) // true // es6 Array.from 可以把一个 类数组对象 转换成 数组 const arrlike = {length: 2} console.log(Array.from(arrlike)) // [un…
Read More: http://es6.ruanyifeng.com/#docs/destructuring Array “模式匹配”,只要等号两边的模式相同,左边的变量就会被赋予对应的值: Exp 1: var [head, ...tail] = [1, 2, 3, 4]; console.log(head); console.log(tail); // [2, 3, 4] Exp 2: var [foo, [[bar], baz]] = [1, [[2], 3]]; foo bar ba…
In es5, you can use indexOf to get the index of one item in an array. In es6, you can use findIndex(), which is more prowful: [NaN].indexOf(NaN) // -1 [NaN].findIndex(y => Object.is(NaN, y)) You can use with splice() function: _cartItems.splice( _car…
[转]解决老浏览器不支持ES6的方法 现象: Array.from(new Set( )) SCRIPT438: 对象不支持“from”属性或方法   解决方法: 安装babel 引入browser.min.js     browser-polyfill.min.js <script src="~/browser.min.js"></script> 为什么ES6会有兼容性问题? 由于广大用户使用的浏览器版本在发布的时候也许早于ES6的定稿和发布,而到了今天,我们…
Here is the way you get value from an object: var obj = { color: "blue" } console.log(obj.color); //blue Destructuring Assignment: Object Destructuring Assignment is somehow different: var {color} = { color: "green" } console.log(color…
// 去重复 Array.from(new Set([1, 1, 2, 3])); // [1, 2, 3] console.log(Array.from(new Set([1, 1, 2, 3]))); // 分解字符串 Array.from('hello'); // ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"] console.log(Array.from('hello')); // 转换为asc…
 if (!Array.prototype.find) {  Array.prototype.find = function(predicate) {    'use strict';    if (this == null) {      throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.find called on null or undefined');    }    if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {      thro…