[Hapi.js] Request Validation with Joi】的更多相关文章

hapi supports request validation out of the box using the joi module. Request path parameters, payloads, and querystring parameters can be validated with joi's simple, 'use strict' const Hapi = require('hapi') const Joi = require('joi') const server…
  一.jquery引用 主要用到3个js: jquery.js jquery.form.js jquery.validation.js 另外,为了校验结果提示本地化,还需要引入jquery.validate对应的mesage_zh.js. 这个几个文件的地址就不一一整理了,可以在官网上去下载,也可以在CathyCMS项目中拷贝.   二.html页面 权限管理的新增角色页面,不考虑资源树部分的话,这个页面的内容和交互比较简单,我们就以这个页面为例,看下怎么实现表单校验和异步提交. <form…
Instead of using middlware, hapi provides a number of points during the lifecycle of a request that you can hook-in to provide additional functionality, called "extension events". This lesson will give you an introduction to using extension even…
hapi makes handling POST and PUT payloads easy by buffering and parsing them automatically without requiring additional modules or middleware. This post will demonstrate how to handle JSON and form based request payloads via hapi's route configuratio…
View engines, or template engines, allow you to maintain a clean separation between your presentation layer and the rest of your application. This post will demonstrate how to use the vision plugin with hapi to enable template support. index.js serve…
hapi is a rock solid server framework for Node.js. Its focus on modularity and configuration-over-convention makes it the perfect match for any size development team. Install: npm install --save hapi index.js 'use strict' var Hapi = require( 'hapi' )…
hapi has built-in support for parsing cookies from a request headers, and writing cookies to a response, making state management easy and straight-forward. It even has built in support for cookie encryption and auto detects when a cookie contains JSO…
hapi automatically responds with JSON for any error passed to a route's reply()method. But what if your application needs errors rendered in HTML? This lesson shows how to implement friendly HTML error messages using hapi extension events. const Hapi…
hapi's reply interface is one of it's most powerful features. It's smart enough to detect and serialize objects, buffers, promises and even streams. This post will demonstrate first hand how to use the reply method to send your data to the client, no…
Routing is a fundamental aspect of any framework. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use path parameters in hapi's router. We'll also touch on how the router uses specificity to order routes internally. Router Param: http://localhost:8000/ztw // Wil…
hapi doesn't ship with logging support baked in. Luckily, hapi's rich plugin ecosystem includes everything needed to configure logging for your application. This post will introduce good, a process monitor for hapi, and good-console, a reporter for g…
Abstract: Use the ASP.NET validation framework to prevent vulnerabilities that result from unchecked input. Explanation: Unchecked input is the leading cause of vulnerabilities in ASP.NET applications. Unchecked input leads to cross-site scripting, p…
function request(strParame) { var args = new Object( ); var query = location.search.substring(1); var pairs = query.split("&"); // Break at ampersand for(var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { var pos = pairs[i].indexOf('='); if (pos == -1)…
比如你要获取aaa.aspx?id=2 使用方法为:var id= request('id'); …
hapi does not support serving static files out of the box. Instead it relies on a module called Inert. This lesson will cover serving static files using Inert's custom handlers. 'use strict' var Hapi = require( 'hapi' ); var Boom = require('boom'); v…
When you use reply method: let resp = reply('hello world') It actually return an response object. By using response object, you can modiy the response's status code, header, cookie, type and so on... server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler:…
SP的内置对象在JSP页面中无须声明就可以直接使用,其内置对象常用的有Request,response,session,application,out,config,pageCOntext request对象封装了客户端提交的数据信息,包括用户提交的信息以及客户端的一些信息.客户端可通过HTML表单或在网页地址后面使用参数的方法提交数据.再用request 对象的相关方法来获取提交各种数据. 不管是在JSP还是在HTML中,服务器端程序与客户端交互最常用的方法就是采用表单提交数据.使用Reque…
场景: node:8.9.3版本 报错代码: Error: certificate has expired at TLSSocket.<anonymous> (_tls_wrap.js:1103:38) at emitNone (events.js:106:13) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:208:7) at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:637:8) at TLSWrap.ssl.onhandshakedone (_t…
本文转自:https://www.cnblogs.com/souvenir/p/6039990.html 本文翻译自: https://www.airpair.com/node.js/posts/nodejs-framework-comparison-express-koa-hapi 1.介绍 直至今日,Express.js仍然是最为流行的Node.js Web应用程序框架.它似乎已经逐渐成为大多数Node.js Web应用程序的基础依赖框架,包括很多流行的框架,比如Sail.js就是以Expr…
本文翻译自: https://www.airpair.com/node.js/posts/nodejs-framework-comparison-express-koa-hapi 1.介绍 直至今日,Express.js仍然是最为流行的Node.js Web应用程序框架.它似乎已经逐渐成为大多数Node.js Web应用程序的基础依赖框架,包括很多流行的框架,比如Sail.js就是以Express.js为基础搭建的.然而现在我们有了更多“类sinatra”(注:sinatra是一款Ruby框架,…
node learning 学习node,是为了后续项目可以正常开展,现在写个项目,若不是连接后台,请求数据,一切都不叫着项目了.正好借助掘金的小册,来推进学习 学习资料 YouTube 1 掘金 hapi.js 以下皆是按照掘金小册加上自己扩展一步步走过来的 hapi 学习 使用 hapi 时,对应的一些插件,由于插件很多,目前暂时写着用到的一些吧 hapi-swagger 用来生成 接口文档, 地址 服务地址/documentation env2 读取 .env 文件,可以用来配置文件 jo…
Express/Koa/Hapi 本文翻译自: https://www.airpair.com/node.js/posts/nodejs-framework-comparison-express-koa-hapi 1.介绍 直至今日,Express.js仍然是最为流行的Node.js Web应用程序框架.它似乎已经逐渐成为大多数Node.js Web应用程序的基础依赖框架,包括很多流行的框架,比如Sail.js就是以Express.js为基础搭建的.然而现在我们有了更多"类sinatra&quo…
中文翻译:http://ourjs.com/detail/5490db1c8a34fa320400000e 英文原文:https://www.airpair.com/node.js/posts/nodejs-framework-comparison-express-koa-hapi 1 介绍 Express.js无疑是当前Node.js中最流行的Web应用程序框架.它几乎成为了大多数Node.js web应用程序的基本的依赖,甚至一些例如Sails.js这样的流行的框架也是基于Express.j…
之前接触过Node.js是因为好奇大前端越来越能干了,连我后台的饭碗都要抢了,太嚣张了,于是我想打压打压它,然后就这样接触它了.再到后来是因为Settings-Sync插件二次开发,我需要用node.js造一个mock server,而当时在开源项目上找到一个模拟github rest api的node.js服务端程序,然后我就在此基础上开发.从工作中学习有应用场景有目的性,果然还是学的要快很多. 今天之所以要说一说node.js的十大Web框架,主要是觉得以后针对VsCode开发或者是我自己的…
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you! Contents Awesome Go Audio and Music Authentication and OAuth Command Line Configuration Continuous I…
最近在做团队的一个内部系统,这次使用的nodejs web框架是团队统一的hapi.js,而数据库依然是mysql,ORM 框架选用有着6000+ stars 的 sequelize.js,hapi-sequelize插件对sequelize做了很简单的封装,可以让我们很自如地在hapi中游走,比如配置和调用. 初始化 sequelize // server.js const Hapi = require('hapi'); const server = new Hapi.Server(); //…
我们要为路由提供请求的URL和其他需要的GET及POST参数,随后路由需要根据这些数据来执行相应的代码. 因此,我们需要查看HTTP请求,从中提取出请求的URL以及GET/POST参数.这一功能应当属于路由还是服务器(甚至作为一个模块自身的功能)确实值得探讨,但这里暂定其为我们的HTTP服务器的功能. 我们需要的所有数据都会包含在request对象中,该对象作为onRequest()回调函数的第一个参数传递.但是为了解析这些数据,我们需要额外的Node.JS模块,它们分别是url和queryst…
外部JS的阻塞下载 所有浏览器在下载JS的时候,会阻止一切其他活动,比如其他资源的下载,内容的呈现等等.至到JS下载.解析.执行完毕后才开始继续并行下载其他资源并呈现内容. 有人会问:为什么JS不能像CSS.image一样并行下载了?这里需要简单介绍一下浏览器构造页面的原理, 当浏览器从服务器接收到了HTML文档,并把HTML在内存中转换成DOM树,在转换的过程中如果发现某个节点(node)上引用了CSS或者IMAGE,就会再发1个request去请求CSS或image,然后继续执行下面的转换,…
Outline 3.4 构建TCP服务器 3.5 构建HTTP服务器 3.6 构建TCP客户端 3.7 创建HTTP请求 3.8 使用UDP 3.9 用TLS/SSL保证服务器的安全性 3.10 用HTTPS保证HTTP服务器的安全性 3.4 构建TCP服务器 TCP服务器对象通过require("net").createServer()创建,它是一个事件发射器(event emitter),发射事件包括:listening, connection, close, error. TCP…
A few days ago, while working on an ASP.NET 4.0 Web project, I got an issue. The issue was, when user enters non-encoded HTML content into a comment text box s/he got something like the following error message: "A potentially dangerous Request.Form v…