VIPS: a VIsion based Page Segmentation Algorithm VIPS: a VIsion based Page Segmentation Algorithm Introduction The VIsion-based Page Segmentation (VIPS) algorithm aims to extract the semantic structure of a web page based on its visual presentation.…
Chapter 1 : About Computer Answer the following - Abbreviation LBS - Location-Based Services HTML - HyperText Markup Language XML - eXtensible Markup language WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation WML - Wireless Markup Language GPS - Global Positi…
原文: ------------------------------------------------------ REST is not…
0x00 - 前言 我从去年就开始对AR(Augmented Reality)技术比较关注,但是去年AR行业一直处于偶尔发声的状态,丝毫没有其"异姓同名"的兄弟VR(Virtual Reality)火爆.至于MR(Mixed Reality)更像是Google Glass事情之后对AR的洗白.但是今年AR行业出了件大事,没错,别左右看了,说的就是你 —— Pokemon GO.暂且不讨论这款游戏是不是AR游戏,毕竟争议挺大,但是这款游戏着实是让AR火了一把.AR应用开发貌似也有了燎原之…
1.Socket参数介绍 A network socket is an endpoint of a connection across a computer network. Today, most communication between computers is based on the Internet Protocol; therefore most network sockets are Internet sockets. More precisely, a socket is a …
类的成员 类的成员可以分为三大类:字段.方法和属性 注:所有成员中,只有普通字段的内容保存对象中,即:根据此类创建了多少对象,在内存中就有多少个普通字段.而其他的成员,则都是保存在类中,即:无论对象的多少,在内存中只创建一份. 一.字段 字段包括:普通字段和静态字段,他们在定义和使用中有所区别,而最本质的区别是内存中保存的位置不同, 普通字段属于对象 静态字段属于类 class Province: # 静态字段 country = '中国'def __init__(self, name): #…
本节内容 Socket介绍 Socket参数介绍 基本Socket实例 Socket实现多连接处理 通过Socket实现简单SSH 通过Socket实现文件传送 作业:开发一个支持多用户在线的FTP程序 补充:动态导入模块+断言 # __import__('import_lib.aa') #这是解释器自己内部用的 # importlib.import_module('import_lib.metaclass') #与上面这句效果一样,官方建议用这个 # 方法一: import importlib…
1. Socket介绍 概念 A network socket is an endpoint of a connection across a computer network. Today, most communication between computers is based on the Internet Protocol; therefore most network sockets are Internet sockets. More precisely, a socket is…
Socket语法及相关 socket概念 A network socket is an endpoint of a connection across a computer network. Today, most communication between computers is based on the Internet Protocol; therefore most network sockets are Internet sockets. More precisely, a sock…
Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 2015 (ILSVRC2015) Legend: Yellow background = winner in this task according to this metric; authors are willing to reveal the method White background = authors are willing to reveal the method Grey background…