P2979 [USACO10JAN]奶酪塔Cheese Towers】的更多相关文章

P2979 [USACO10JAN]奶酪塔Cheese Towers 背包dp 不过多了一个大奶酪可以压扁其他奶酪的 一开始写了个暴力82分.贪心的选择 然后发现,有如下两种规律 要么最优都是小奶酪,要么就是有一个大奶酪是在顶上的. 所以我们先用小奶酪跑一遍背包,记录最优值. 然后加上大奶酪,不考虑压缩的再跑一遍.因为如果大奶酪在上面的话,我们就不用考虑在dp中压缩,直接跑完dp后.看做一大块一起压缩 #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #…
P2979 [USACO10JAN]奶酪塔Cheese Towers 题目描述 Farmer John wants to save some blocks of his cows' delicious Wisconsin cheese varieties in his cellar for the coming winter. He has room for one tower of cheese in his cellar, and that tower's height can be at…
题目描述 Farmer John wants to save some blocks of his cows' delicious Wisconsin cheese varieties in his cellar for the coming winter. He has room for one tower of cheese in his cellar, and that tower's height can be at most T (1 <= T <= 1,000). The cows…
2021: [Usaco2010 Jan]Cheese Towers Time Limit: 4 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 184  Solved: 107[Submit][Status] Description Farmer John wants to save some blocks of his cows' delicious Wisconsin cheese varieties in his cellar for the coming winter.…
http://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=2021 噗,自己太弱想不到. 原来是2次背包. 由于只要有一个大于k的高度的,而且这个必须放在最顶,那么我们就可以枚举每一个比k大的放在最顶,其它的都放在下边即可. 还有,注意这是完全背包! #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <i…
题目链接:http://www.lydsy.com/JudgeOnline/problem.php?id=2021 题意: John要建一个奶酪塔,高度最大为m. 他有n种奶酪.第i种高度为h[i](一定是5的倍数),价值为w[i]. 一块高度>=t的奶酪被称为大奶酪,一个奶酪如果在它上方有大奶酪(多块只算一次),它的高度就会变成原来的4/5. John想让他的奶酪他价值和最大,求这个最大值. 题解: 方法一: dp + 贪心. 贪心:如果奶酪塔中有大奶酪,则大奶酪一定放在最上面. (1)有大奶…
题目大意:全然背包.假设最顶端的物品重量≥k,那么以下的全部物品的重量变为原来的45 考虑一些物品装进背包,显然我要把全部重量大于≥k的物品中重量最小的那个放在最顶端.才干保证总重量最小 那么我们给物品排个序,第一键值为重量是否≥k(≥k的放在前面),第二键值为重量(从小到大) 然后依次增加背包.令fi表示没有重量≥k的物品放在最顶端时重量为i的最大价值.gi表示有重量≥k的物品放在最顶端是重量为i的最大价值.DP就可以 时间复杂度O(nT) #include <cstdio> #includ…
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题目 Source http://www.lightoj.com/volume_showproblem.php?problem=1126 Description Professor Sofdor Ali is fascinated about twin towers. So, in this problem you are working as his assistant, and you have to help him making a large twin towers. For this…
B. Fox Dividing Cheese time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Two little greedy bears have found two pieces of cheese in the forest of weight a and b grams, correspondingly. The be…
裸最长公共子序列 #include<time.h> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<math.h> #include <string.h> #include<vector> #include<queue> using namespace std; ][]; ],map2[]; int main() { int…
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 5701    Accepted Submission(s): 2320 Problem Description FatMouse has stored some cheese in a city. The city can be considered as a square grid of…
Description You all must know the puzzle named "The Towers of Hanoi". The puzzle has three pegs and N discs of different radii, initially all disks are located on the first peg, ordered by their radii - the largest at the bottom, the smallest at…
3.4 In the classic problem of the Towers of Hanoi, you have 3 towers and N disks of different sizes which can slide onto any tower. The puzzle starts with disks sorted in ascending order of size from top to bottom (i.e., each disk sits on top of an e…
C. Block Towers time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Students in a class are making towers of blocks. Each student makes a (non-zero) tower by stacking pieces lengthwise on top…
FatMouse and Cheese Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 8610    Accepted Submission(s): 3611 Problem Description FatMouse has stored some cheese in a city. The city can be considere…
原题链接 题目大意:FM在一个街道n*n街道的(0,0)点,在每个网格里放着cheese,他要尽可能多的吃这些cheese.有两个规则:1)他跑的总距离不能超过k步:2)下一个节点的cheese的块数必须超过这个节点. 解法:题目是去年秋天做的,现在看了下貌似就是用一下广搜,从原点开始一个个查找.我直接把当时的代码贴过来了,看看当时写的注释,发现暑假都过了一半了,算法都没有总结好.惭愧了. 参考代码: #include<string.h> using namespace std; int n,…
B. Fox Dividing Cheese time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Two little greedy bears have found two pieces of cheese in the forest of weight a and b grams, correspondingly. The be…
pid=1078">FatMouse and Cheese Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 4811    Accepted Submission(s): 1945 Problem Description FatMouse has stored some cheese in a city. The city can…
Cheese Time Limit : 8 sec, Memory Limit : 65536 KB チーズ (Cheese) 問題 今年も JOI 町のチーズ工場がチーズの生産を始め,ねずみが巣から顔を出した.JOI 町は東西南北に区画整理されていて,各区画は巣,チーズ工場,障害物,空き地のいずれかである.ねずみは巣から出発して全てのチーズ工場を訪れチーズを 1 個ずつ食べる. この町には,N 個のチーズ工場があり,どの工場も1種類のチーズだけを生産している.チーズの硬さは工場によって異なって…
题意:一只母老鼠想要找到她的公老鼠玩具(cqww?),而玩具就丢在一个广阔的3维空间(其实可以想象成平面)上某个点,而母老鼠在另一个点,她可以直接走到达玩具的位置,但是耗时是所走过的欧几里得距离*10s.还有一种方法,就是靠钻洞,洞是球的,而在洞内怎么走都是不耗时间的.求母老鼠找到她的玩具所耗时? 思路:先要看清楚题意先!尽可能要找到洞,如果洞的半径越大,那么就可以越省时.如果老鼠和玩具都在同个洞上,那么不耗时即可找到. 其实就是求单源最短路,只是计算两点间的长度时要考虑到半径的.而且得注意两洞…
Problem B The Twin Towers Input: standard input Output: standard output Once upon a time, in an ancient Empire, there were two towers of dissimilar shapes in two different cities. The towers were built by putting circular tiles one upon another. Each…
D. Red-Green Towers time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output There are r red and g green blocks for construction of the red-green tower. Red-green tower can be built following next…
题意: 一只母老鼠想要找到她的玩具,而玩具就丢在一个广阔的3维空间上某个点,而母老鼠在另一个点,她可以直接走到达玩具的位置,但是耗时是所走过的欧几里得距离*10s.还有一种方法,就是靠钻洞,洞是球形的,在洞内怎么走都是不耗时间的.求母老鼠找到她的玩具所耗时? 分析: 洞到洞的最短距离都是圆心距离减去半径.剩下的就是求单源最短路径. 代码: #include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include <cstdio>#include <…
uva 10066 The Twin Towers 标题效果:最长公共子. 解题思路:最长公共子. #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; int a[105], b[105], dp[105][105]; int main() { int n, m, Case = 1; while (scanf(&quo…
#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF- Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=false Name=Cheese Exec=/usr/bin/cheese Icon=/usr/share/cheese/cheese-.svg X-Window-Icon= X-HildonDesk-ShowInToolbar=true X-Osso-Type=application/x-executable…
As you know, all the kids in Berland love playing with cubes. Little Petya has n towers consisting of cubes of the same size. Tower with number i consists of ai cubes stacked one on top of the other. Petya defines the instability of a set of towers a…
FatMouse and Cheese Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 7576    Accepted Submission(s): 3133 Problem Description FatMouse has stored some cheese in a city. The city can be considered…
The Twin Towers Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Twin towers we see you standing tall, though a building's lost our faith will never fall.Twin towers the world hears your call, though you're gone it only strengthens our resolve.We co…