14-3.执行环境.创建运行其他Python脚本的脚本. if __name__ == '__main__': with open('test.py') as f: exec(f.read()) 14-4. os.system().调用os.system()运行程序.附加题:将你的解决方案移植到subprocess.call(). import os from subprocess import call if __name__ == '__main__': os.system('ls') ca…
Python 3标准库 The Python3 Standard Library by Example -----------------------------------------第十四章 应用构建模块-----------------------------14.1 argparse:命令行选项和参数解析----------------------------- argparse模块 14.1.1 建立解析器 14.1.2 定义参数 argparse模块 14.1.3 …
第二章 网络编程 1.学习笔记 2.课后习题 答案是按照自己理解和查阅资料来的,不保证正确性.如由错误欢迎指出,谢谢 1. 套接字:A network socket is an endpoint of a connection across a computer network,Sockets are often represented internally as simple integers, which identify which connection to use. 套接字是网络通信的…