1149 Dangerous Goods Packaging (25 分)】的更多相关文章

1149 Dangerous Goods Packaging(25 分) When shipping goods with containers, we have to be careful not to pack some incompatible goods into the same container, or we might get ourselves in serious trouble. For example, oxidizing agent (氧化剂) must not be…
When shipping goods with containers, we have to be careful not to pack some incompatible goods into the same container, or we might get ourselves in serious trouble. For example, oxidizing agent (氧化剂) must not be packed with flammable liquid (易燃液体),…
When shipping goods with containers, we have to be careful not to pack some incompatible goods into the same container, or we might get ourselves in serious trouble. For example, oxidizing agent (氧化剂) must not be packed with flammable liquid (易燃液体),…
Source: PAT A1149 Dangerous Goods Packaging (25 分) Description: When shipping goods with containers, we have to be careful not to pack some incompatible goods into the same container, or we might get ourselves in serious trouble. For example, oxidizi…
When shipping goods with containers, we have to be careful not to pack some incompatible goods into the same container, or we might get ourselves in serious trouble. For example, oxidizing agent (氧化剂) must not be packed with flammable liquid (易燃液体),…
06-图1 列出连通集   (25分) 给定一个有NN个顶点和EE条边的无向图,请用DFS和BFS分别列出其所有的连通集.假设顶点从0到N-1N−1编号.进行搜索时,假设我们总是从编号最小的顶点出发,按编号递增的顺序访问邻接点. 输入格式: 输入第1行给出2个整数NN(0<N\le 100<N≤10)和EE,分别是图的顶点数和边数.随后EE行,每行给出一条边的两个端点.每行中的数字之间用1空格分隔. 输出格式: 按照"{ v_1v​1​​ v_2v​2​​ ... v_kv​k​​ …
01-复杂度2 Maximum Subsequence Sum   (25分) Given a sequence of K integers { N​1​​,N​2​​, ..., N​K​​ }. A continuous subsequence is defined to be { N​i​​,N​i+1​​, ..., N​j​​ } where 1≤i≤j≤K. The Maximum Subsequence is the continuous subsequence which has…
7-17 字符串关键字的散列映射(25 分) 给定一系列由大写英文字母组成的字符串关键字和素数P,用移位法定义的散列函数H(Key)将关键字Key中的最后3个字符映射为整数,每个字符占5位:再用除留余数法将整数映射到长度为P的散列表中.例如将字符串AZDEG插入长度为1009的散列表中,我们首先将26个大写英文字母顺序映射到整数0~25:再通过移位将其映射为3×32​2​​+4×32+6=3206:然后根据表长得到,即是该字符串的散列映射位置. 发生冲突时请用平方探测法解决. 输入格式: 输入第…
7-10 旅游规划(25 分) 有了一张自驾旅游路线图,你会知道城市间的高速公路长度.以及该公路要收取的过路费.现在需要你写一个程序,帮助前来咨询的游客找一条出发地和目的地之间的最短路径.如果有若干条路径都是最短的,那么需要输出最便宜的一条路径. 输入格式: 输入说明:输入数据的第1行给出4个正整数N.M.S.D,其中N(2≤N≤500)是城市的个数,顺便假设城市的编号为0~(N−1):M是高速公路的条数:S是出发地的城市编号:D是目的地的城市编号.随后的M行中,每行给出一条高速公路的信息,分别…
题目链接:https://pintia.cn/problem-sets/994805046380707840/problems/994805069361299456 L2-006 树的遍历 (25 分)   给定一棵二叉树的后序遍历和中序遍历,请你输出其层序遍历的序列.这里假设键值都是互不相等的正整数. 输入格式: 输入第一行给出一个正整数N(≤30),是二叉树中结点的个数.第二行给出其后序遍历序列.第三行给出其中序遍历序列.数字间以空格分隔. 输出格式: 在一行中输出该树的层序遍历的序列.数字…