
What exactly is the parameter e (event) and why pass it to JavaScript functions? 问题 Well, when I learned JavaScript, all the books and Internet articles I read showed code passing a parameter e to functions that handle JavaScript events, such as the…
Javascript 全局对象 全局属性和函数可用于所有内建的Javascript对象 顶层函数(全局函数) decodeURI()解码某个编码的URI. decodeURIComponent()解码一个编码的URI组件 encodeURI()把字符串编码为URI. encodeUriComponent()把字符串编码为URI组件 escape()对字符串进行编码 eval()计算Javascript 字符串,并将它作为脚本代码来执行 getClass()返回一个JavaObject的JavaC…
In JavaScript, functions are first-class objects; that is, functions are of the type Object and they can be used in a first-class manner like any other object (String, Array, Number, etc.) since they are in fact objects themselves. They can be “store…
JavaScript Scoping and Hoisting Do you know what value will be alerted if the following is executed as a JavaScript program? var foo = 1; function bar() { if (!foo) { var foo = 10; } alert(foo); } bar(); If it surprises you that the answer is "10&quo…
以下内容主要摘自[1,2] (1)In javascript, functions are first-class objects, which means functions can be used in a first-class manner like objects, since they are in fact objects themselves: They can be “stored in variables, passed as arguments to functions,…
This post will cover the basic setup and creation of an application with web content for iPhone that will load local CSS files and some useful JavaScript functions. Most of these hints I found partially in different blogs and forums listed in the ref…
转自:http://blog.leapoahead.com/2015/09/15/js-closure/ 我研究JavaScript闭包(closure)已经有一段时间了.我之前只是学会了如何使用它们,而没有透彻地了解它们具体是如何运作的.那么,究竟什么是闭包? Wikipedia 给出的解释并没有太大的帮助.闭包是什么时候被创建的,什么时候被销毁的?具体的实现又是怎么样的? "use strict"; var myClosure = (function outerFunction()…
Here, PeopleCode sets the logic that determines when the JavaScript code will run. This is not as simple as dropping a HTML Area on your page and setting the script in PeopleCode. This is because the value in the HTML Area field remains and the JavaS…
Introduction I've developed some pretty seriously Javascript intensive sites, where the sheer quantity of Javascript on the page is so much that I worry about the load time for the page getting too big. Often large chunks of the Javascript code are o…
Array filter creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function. In this lesson we discuss how only a truthy or falsey value is required as the return value to the function, which in turns allows us to be cr…