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EnglishPod 百度云盘:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQUJquA…
漫漫十年艰辛路,英语学习之旅 曾经秉承“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”的信念,初一那年了解到原来(a b c d e f g) 不仅仅读作(啊,波,词,的,额,佛,哥),在英语的世界中它有另外的读法,就这样与英语相识了.掐指一算,我从初一开始接触英语到大学毕业经过了十年的历练.初中.高中采用传统的英语学习方法,那时候只是“唯分是图”.今天我找出高考的成绩,查看当时的英语成绩,不算很低.但是大学过了一年之后,考个四级都费劲,得分最低的一项是听力.大学毕业那一刻的感受是:我将英语全都还给老师了.我…
七月的英语学习更加曲折,七月初.查看更多,周六和周日可以保证每天两小时的英语教室学习.周一到周 五一般是上完晚自习九点多来机房学习英语,学习一个小时十点多再回宿舍. 考完试,回家待了五天,不好意思的说这几天英语断了,尽管看了几部美剧.但大都吸引自己的是那打斗的场景. 16号来到学校,17号正式開始了暑假的学习.英语的学习也步入了正轨.17号下午在511做了英语快照 (http://zzjjiayou.blog.163.com/blog/static/21151528220146179200659…
" Vampire bats are very adaptable." Bambi said. And when their roosts are disrupted or their normal prey grows scarce, human is a pretty tasty meal. More study is needed to confirm the suspected blood-letting from victims, and to determine what…
1.  no-brainer 不必花脑筋的事物 This tool is really no-brainer that almost everyone can use it. 这个工具太简单用了,不会有人用不了. 例句 A: How do you use this program? It looks quite complicated. A: 你怎么样用这个软件呢? 看起来蛮复杂的. B: No. Looks can be deceiving. This thing is actually a…
  数词 数词有基数词和序数词两种.英语的数词可以作句子的主语.宾语.表语和定语. 基数词:表示数目的词叫基数词. 1. 英语中常用的基数词有:除了图片上的,还有以下一些 1000→one(a) thousand,10000→ ten thousand,100000→one hundred thousand ,1000000→one million,10000000→ten million, 100000000→one hundred million, 108→one hundred and e…
时间真快,总结的7月份英语学习总结刚刚结束,转眼间又该对8月份的英语学习进行小节了. 进入8月初.下发了一个文档,用一个星期的时间学音标.纠音. 在王美的带领下我组也发起了纠音运动. 刚开 始纠音的时候,我就感觉自己读的对,就是这么读的,并且跟赖老师读的一模一样.怎么他们听的就不一样呢?纠的 多了,听的多了,事实上最后发现,还是听力不到位,还没"分辨是非"的能力啊.一周的纠音活动结束后,再次进行 了一次朗读a kiss比赛,这次和第一次相比.给我的明显的感觉就是大家读的更有味道了. 活…
转眼间9月份又过去了,又该好好总结一下这个月的英语学习情况了. 在暑假快结束的时候.9期师姐给我们測了英语快照.当初測的时候就发现一个问题:当測自己听过尤其是读过的东 西的时候,自己都能听出来.測自己不熟悉的材料的时候,听出来的也勉强才干及格.所以提高自己的听力是迫在眉睫 的.由于仅仅有听懂了才干会说,仅仅有听的准才干说的准. 开学了,英语学习由暑假的四个小时降低到了如今的每天两个小时.每天上午我都是听一个小时<新走遍美国>,一个 小时听音标. 暑假的时候每天都是会读会儿<新走遍美国&g…
I like the following article from Harvard Business Review, as I ever experienced burnout at work. Very good. When Burnout Is a Sign You Should Leave Your Job --Hamish Blair/Getty Images You have the right to have work that enriches you and enlivens y…
classify the vocabulary into different catigories syllabus about person…
Currently, I just want to write something in English.Maybe I just want to review my Egnlish knowledge or maybe I'm scared of losing about ten years of English learning. Any way, It just seems to be a very important thing to do, like I have to althoug…
If you want to download free English conversations, you’ve come to the right place. This page introduces you to some English-language podcasts. Podcasts are audio conversations you can download for free from the Internet. Contents: English conversati…
In this lesson you will learn to talk about the past. 课上内容(Lesson) I was born in 1986. I started school at 6 years old. I comleted my school life at 2001 I started my first job in 2002 and  At 3 months after , left that work. because, I want use some…
I believe that there are two types of people who get high scores in English exams: 1) have high intelligence. 2) spend time several times more than others on English learning so that their English levels outperform the level that the English exam req…
English 介词 Create Time : 2019-06-27 表示时间的介词称为时间介词.表示时间的介词有:at, on, in, before, after等. 一.at, on和in ① at 表示:(在(某时刻.时间.阶段),在--岁时) My cousin joined the army at fifteen. 我表哥十五岁参的军. ② on 表示:在(某日),在周末,在--节日 He was born on the 15th of August in 1769. 他出生于17…
From: http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book Comment with line comment: Ctrl + slash Run: Shift + F10 Next Break Point: F9 Run code partially in Console: Right Click +  Execute Selection in Console English Learning: + plus - minus / slash * asterisk %…
本文作者三年间从四级勉强及格到高级口译笔试210,口试232.找工作面试时给其口试的老外考官听了一分钟就说你的英语不用考了.虽不敢说方法一定是最好的,但从现在开始随便谁不要再去找学习资料,每天花两个钟头照说的做,坚持三个月的提高会超过你过去三年. 听: 网上比较有代表性的论坛是普特www.putclub.com上面的听力资源很丰富,沪江www.hjenglish.com和旺旺www.wwenglish.com上一些材料的也很不错,从中间随便挑一个网站坚持即可.但是千万不要一个个都听过来.记住,开…
Models  are very important, here model means role model, is kind of like a hero. It's  someone that has success, the same kind of success that you want. Why it's  important? Because you can learn from them. You can learn much faster if you discover w…
English learning   In contemporary world, English learning has gained great popularity and it is of great significance for youngsters to learn English well. Based on a survey, a majority of international organizations or firms acknowledge that they p…
I also hold a blog with thoughts of English learning. Get there ===>. It's a private blog. Actually, I am going to have a exam 3 weeks later. So I am worried.…
Introduction and Announcement Emails (Week 3) Overview of Introduction & Announcement Emails Basic Purpose & Approaches Key language for Writing Introduction Email Subject ❌ Meet Sam Boyle ✅Meet Sam Boyle, CPA Tax Specialist ✅Introducing Sam Boyle…
Catch Up 朋友小聚 - 地道英语 - BBC Learning English BBC英语教学 - 爱思英语网 Catch Up 朋友小聚 分享到: 新浪微博 QQ空间 腾讯微博 微信 更多 1 >>音频下载 How often do you catch up with your friends? Diarmuid: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Diarmuid a…
you can find it on YouTube:Learning English with EnglishClass101.com 10 Habits of highly Effective Learners 1. Set small, measurable goals with deadlines small goals: learn 100 words in a month! complete 30 audio lessons in a month (Deadline:Nov 30)…
学一门语言用 learn. study 表示深入研究,一般指在大学里.如果大学里的专业是英语,就可以说 study English. 1. If you study hard, you will learn English well. 如果你努力学,一定能学好英语.2. I’ve learnt nothing, because I study English in a negative way. 我什么都没学到,因为我学英语的方式很消极.3. I’ve learnt something grea…
Today I have set my Microsoft word program, use it send documents to the blog site.…
1..fumbling    缓慢 笨拙的 2.dancing with impatience in the chekout line sighed exasperation        在安全线外晃动身体恼怒的叹气 3.humiliation   谦卑的 4.feeble     无力 微弱的 5.hold up   耽误 6.contrite   后悔 7.frayed  磨损的 破旧的 8.take you time there are not hurry   慢慢来,不急 9.honk…
1.curriculum    必修课 主修课 2.sought       seek的过去式 3.blessed with a wonderful marriage   有个幸福美满的婚姻 4.align     对齐 联盟 匹配 5.assumption   假设 6.prevail    战胜 胜利 7.deserve   应得 应受 8.serenity  安静 晴朗 9.distracting  分散注意力 10.instant    立即 马上 11.profound    意义深远…
distortion 英[dɪ'stɔ:ʃn] 美[dɪˈstɔrʃən]n. 扭曲,变形; 失真,畸变; [心理学] 扭转;[例句]I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest我认为说他们是受自身利益的驱使是对事实的严重歪曲.[其他] 复数:distortions calibration英[ˌkælɪˈbreɪʃn]美[ˌkæləˈbreʃən…
英语在软件行业的重要作用不言自明,尤其是做国际项目和写国际软件,好的英语表达是项目顺利进行的必要条件.纵观眼下的IT行业.可以流利的与国外客户英文口语交流的程序猿占比并非非常高.要想去国际接轨,语言这一关一定要过. 本人做刚入行的时候非常想找一本专门写给程序猿的英文教材,但并没有找到特别合适的.通过这几年的欧美项目经理,我发现与国外同行交流重在表明交流的意图而轻语法规定.一件事情的表述,仅仅要可以用几个Key Words来表述清楚.两方可以理解就可以.并没有使用我们上学期间艰深晦涩的语法知识.…
这一次想把标点符号的英语表达总结一下,这些单词非常重要但easy被我们忽视.以我的经验,还是多认识几个.以备不时之需. 以下从"标点符号"開始: punctuation [英][ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeɪʃn][美][ˌpʌŋktʃuˈeʃən] n.标点法; 标点符号; 标点符号的使用; 点标点; ampersand[英][ˈæmpəsænd][美][ˈæmpərsænd]n."&"的记号名称,and符; 源代码中使用: 出自frameworks/base/c…