Introduction into ISO 27145 WWH-OBD】的更多相关文章

全球统一的重型发动机的车载诊断系统(WWH-OBD) ISO/PAS 27145 is intended to become the single communication standard for access to OBD-related information. To allow for a smooth migration from the existing communication standards to this future world-wide standardized c…
On-Board Diagnostics J1962 Diagnostic Connector Equivalent to ISO/DIS 15031-3: December 14, 2001J2012 Diagnostic Trouble Code Definitions J1939 Recommended Practice for a Serial Control and Communications Vehicle NetworkJ1979 E/E Diagnostic Test Mode… FEATURES:Operating Voltage 5.0 VOperating Current 5 Ma. TypClock: 20 MHzInputs: (0-5V levels)Serial Input (19200 Baud)PWM receiveVPW receiveISO 9141-2Outputs (0-5V levels)Serial output (19200 Baud)PWM transm…… OBD II Software OBD Experts can provide you with ready to use off-the-shelf OBD II software implementing the following automotive protocols: ISO 9141-2 KWP 2000-4 SAE J1850 PWM (Ford SCP) SAE J1850 VPW (GM Class…
作者:autogeek 原文链接: 前言 由于工作中经常用到ISO-14229,因此决定对该协议做个总体介绍和总结,既是对自己学习的总结,也能够给初次涉及该协议的朋友一个参考. 首先简要介绍什么是ISO-14229,至于可以在网上找到的大篇理论介绍我就略过不讲了,有兴趣可以自行搜索.简单的说,它就是一个用于汽车行业诊断通信的需求规范,它只规定了与诊断相关的服务需求,并没有涉及通信机制,因此要实现一个完整的… INITIALIZATION Prior to any diagnostic communication an initialization must be performed. This is the process of activating the OBD system for starting communication. The initialization…
Vehicle Network Protocols There are 5 protocols in the OBD2 system and a car will normally only use 1 of them PROTOCOLS J1850 PWM (pulse width modulation)  used by Ford Motor Company and Mazda J1850 VPW (variable width modulation) used by General Mot…
汽车上的OBD-II接口(母):  ELM327用到的引脚: 2: SAE-J1850 PWM和SAE-1850 VPW总线(+) 4. 车身地 5. 信号地 6. CAN high (ISO 15765-4和SAE-J2284)  7. ISO 9141-2和ISO 14230-4总线的K线 10. SAE-J1850 PWM协议总线(-)(not SAE-1850 VPW) Europe, etc. Chrysler CCD Bus(+) 14. CAN low (ISO 15765-4和S… Safe, secure bootloader. Reflash the firmware in the field, even over a poor quality link and avoid expensive product recalls. Fully compatible with ELM327 command set, ensuring out-of-the-box compatibility with the doz…