A few weeks ago my best friend’s nine-year-old daughter and I were playing. Our play consists of her sometimes weaving pink…
Coordinate Systems Projected Coordinate Systems This is an archive of a previous version of the ArcGIS REST API. The current version can be found at Well-known ID Name 2000 Anguilla_1957_British_W…
大致分为两种情况:ID连续和ID不连续. 1.ID连续的情况: 2.ID不连续的情况: (1).两次对表查询,效率较低. ID from A) (2).外层查询没有对表A进行查询,效率提高. ID from A order by ID) as a order by a.ID desc (3).ROW_NUMBER()函数效率更高,SQL2005以上版本可用. 以上是自己做的笔记,学习过程中,好记性不如烂笔头,自己也记录下来,作为成长的一部分.…
今天读了LPTHW的第40章以后豁然开朗,原来一直愚钝,不太理解类的定义和使用,还有就是不太理解关于self的定义. class MyStuff(object): def __init__(self): self.tangerine = "And now a thousand years between" def apple(self): print "I AM CLASSY APPLES!" 说类和迷你模块差不多,那么对于类来说,也必然有一个类似 import 的…