在win7 32位旗舰版下,启动1.0.8版本nginx,显示如下错误: 2012/04/02 13:55:59 [emerg] 7864#2376: bind() to failed (10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions) 在cmd窗口运行如下命令: C:\Users\Administrator>netstat -aon | f…
起床之后想要弄弄侧边栏的东西,打开wamp居然无法启动apache服务,上网查了之后才知道是需要启动httpd.exe这个程序,测试了很久,80端口也没有被占用,点击启动apache服务的时候弹出could not execute menu item (internal error)这个对话框: 搜索对话框上面的提示信息,基本上都是说80端口被占用的原因,但如果按照这个去查的话大多数会说是80端口被占用,测试之后发现80端口没被占用,换了端口,换成8080或者其他都不行.然后卸载了,重装,卸载的…
Win7下nginx默认80端口被System占用,造成nginx启动报错的解决方案 在win7 32位旗舰版下,启动1.0.8版本nginx,显示如下错误: [plain] 2012/04/02 13:55:59 [emerg] 7864#2376: bind() to failed (10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions)…
今天启动window上的nginx总是报错 错误信息是bind() to failed (10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions) 大概意思是 nginx listen的80后端口被占用 于是百度了下查看端口的命令 运行–cmd C:\>netstat -aon|findstr "80" TCP…