
[译]Vulkan教程(31)加载模型 Loading models 加载模型 Introduction 入门 Your program is now ready to render textured 3D meshes, but the current geometry in the vertices and indices arrays is not very interesting yet. In this chapter we're going to extend the program…
转自[翻译]NeHe OpenGL 教程 前言 声明,此 NeHe OpenGL教程系列文章由51博客yarin翻译(2010-08-19),本博客为转载并稍加整理与修改.对NeHe的OpenGL管线教程的编写,以及yarn的翻译整理表示感谢. NeHe OpenGL第三十一课:加载模型 模型加载: 你知道大名鼎鼎的Milkshape3D建模软件么,我们将加载它的模型,当然你可以加载任何你认为不错的模型.   这篇渲染模型的文章是由Brett Porter所写的. 这篇教程的代码是从PortaL…
[译]Vulkan教程(32)生成mipmap Generating Mipmaps 生成mipmap Introduction 入门 Our program can now load and render 3D models. In this chapter, we will add one more feature, mipmap generation. Mipmaps are widely used in games and rendering software, and Vulkan g…
[译]Vulkan教程(27)Image Images Introduction 入门 The geometry has been colored using per-vertex colors so far, which is a rather limited approach. In this part of the tutorial we're going to implement texture mapping to make the geometry look more interes…
[译]Vulkan教程(24)索引buffer Index buffer 索引buffer Introduction 入门 The 3D meshes you'll be rendering in a real world application will often share vertices between multiple triangles. This already happens even with something simple like drawing a rectangle…
[译]Vulkan教程(14)图形管道基础之固定功能 Fixed functions 固定功能 The older graphics APIs provided default state for most of the stages of the graphics pipeline. In Vulkan you have to be explicit about everything, from viewport size to color blending function. In this…
[译]Vulkan教程(33)多重采样 Multisampling 多重采样 Introduction 入门 Our program can now load multiple levels of detail for textures which fixes artifacts when rendering objects far away from the viewer. The image is now a lot smoother, however on closer inspectio…
[译]Vulkan教程(23)暂存buffer Staging buffer 暂存buffer Introduction 入门 The vertex buffer we have right now works correctly, but the memory type that allows us to access it from the CPU may not be the most optimal memory type for the graphics card itself to…
[译]Vulkan教程(21)顶点input描述 Vertex input description 顶点input描述 Introduction 入门 In the next few chapters, we're going to replace the hardcoded vertex data in the vertex shader with a vertex buffer in memory. We'll start with the easiest approach of creat…
[译]Vulkan教程(18)命令buffers Command buffers 命令buffer Commands in Vulkan, like drawing operations and memory transfers, are not executed directly using function calls. You have to record all of the operations you want to perform in command buffer objects…