实验要求: Objective: To understand the non-linearity of median filtering and its noise suppressing ability, especially for the pepper-noises, the salt-noises and the pepper-and-salt noises. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab…
实验要求: Objective: To understand the principle of the notch filter and its periodic noise reducing ability. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: (a) Write a program that implements sinusoidal noise of th…
以下这些实验中的代码全部是我自己编写调试通过的,到此,最后进行一下汇总. 数字图像处理实验(1):PROJECT 02-01, Image Printing Program Based on Halftoning (基于半色调技术的图像打印技术) 链接:http://blog.csdn.net/hongbin_xu/article/details/70340458 数字图像处理实验(2):PROJECT 02-02, Reducing the Number of Gray Levels in a…
PROJECT 03-01 : Image Enhancement Using Intensity Transformations 实验要求: Objective To manipulate a technique of image enhancement by intensity transformation or gray level transformation. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matla…
原文:Win8Metro(C#)数字图像处理--2.11图像锐化  [函数名称] 图像锐化函数SharpeningProcess(WriteableBitmap src,double sharpenValue) [函数代码] ///<summary> /// Sharpening process. ///</summary> ///<param name="src">Source image.</param> ///<retur…
w https://blog.newrelic.com/2014/05/02/25-php-developers-follow-online/ 1. Rob Allen. Zend Framework contributor, Zend Framework Education Advisory Board member, and co-author of Zend Framework in Action. Owner of Nineteen Feet.BlogTwitterGitHubStack…
论文地址:基于分层递归神经网络的嵌入式设备轻量化在线降噪 引用格式:Schröter H, Rosenkranz T, Zobel P, et al. Lightweight Online Noise Reduction on Embedded Devices using Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.13067, 2020. 摘要 基于深度学习的降噪算法已经证明了它们的成功,尤其是对非平…
GIMP源代码链接:https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/-/archive/master/gimp-master.zip GEGL相关代码链接:https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gegl/-/archive/master/gegl-master.zip 最近因为要研究下色温算法,顺便下载了最新的GIMP软件,色温算法倒是找到了(有空单独来讲下),也顺便看看GIMP都有些什么更新,嗯,更新还是蛮多的,界面UI上有很多改动,有些已经改的…
实验要求: Objective: To know how to generate noise images with different probability density functions (distributions). The noise images are useful in simulation for image enhancement and image restoration. Main requirements: Ability of programming with…
实验要求: Objective: To know how to implement image enhancement for color images by histogram processing. Note that the definition of histogram for color images differs from that of histogram for gray images. Main requirements: Ability of programming wit…
实验要求: 高通滤波器可以通过1减去低通滤波器的传递函数得到. 使用公式 计算可以的得到 . 实验代码: % PROJECT 04-04 Highpass Filtering Using a Lowpass Image close all; clc; clear all; % img = imread('Fig4.11(a).jpg'); img = mat2gray(img); figure; subplot(2,2,1); imshow(img); title('原图像'); % 产生滤波函…
实验要求: Objective: To observe how the lowpass filtering smoothes an image. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: (a) Implement the Gaussian lowpass filter in Eq. (4.3-7). You must be able to specify the s…
实验要求: 上面的实验要求中Objective(实验目的)部分是错误的. 然而在我拿到的大纲中就是这么写的,所以请忽视那部分,其余部分是没有问题的. 本实验是使用伪彩色强调突出我们感兴趣的灰度范围,在实验要求中制定了一些强调的对象.在程序中我们遍历所有的像素,判断其灰度级,如果在我们感兴趣的那一特定范围内,就使用彩色显示出来,即伪彩色图像处理. 实验代码: % close all; clc; clear all; % img = imread('Fig6.22(a).jpg'); figure;…
实验要求: Objective: To know what are Web-safe colors, how to generate the RGB components for a given jpeg color image, or convert an image to RGB manually? Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: In order to…
实验要求: Objective: To understand the high performance of the parametric Wiener Filter in image restoration when there are additive noise after the image degradation. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual:…
实验要求: Objective: To know how to implement correlation of 2 functions in the frequency domain and, using the fast algorithms. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: Download Figs. 4.41(a) and (b) and dupl…
实验要求: Objective: To further understand the well-known algorithm Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and verify its effectiveness to calculate the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction…
实验要求: Image Printing Program Based on Halftoning Objective: To know in principle what is "halftoning", the definition of resolution, and how to print an image in a mono-chromosome printer. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, o…
实验报告: Objective: Color image segmentation is a big issue in image processing. This students need to know the basics of this topic. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: Download Fig. 6.28(b) and duplica…
实验要求: Objective: To observe the Fourier spectrum by FFT and the average value of an image. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: (a) Download Fig. 4.18(a) and compute its (centered) Fourier spectrum. (b…
实验要求: Zooming and Shrinking Images by Bilinear Interpolation Objective To manipulate another technique of zooming and shrinking images by bilinear interpolation. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: (a…
实验要求: Zooming and Shrinking Images by Pixel Replication Objective To manipulate a technique of zooming and shrinking images by pixel replication. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: (a) Write a comput…
实验要求: Reducing the Number of Gray Levels in an Image Objective To understand how the number of gray levels affect the image perceptual quality. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab. Instruction manual: (a) Write a computer…
@ 目录 1. 专栏简介 2. 专栏地址 3. 专栏目录 1. 专栏简介 遥感数字图像的处理,是对遥感数字图像的计算机处理.与工业和医学数字图像不同,遥感数字图像类型更为多样,内容更为复杂.因此,遥感数字图像的处理,不仅需要掌握已有的数字图像处理方法,而且需要具有相当的地学只是,是科学和艺术的有机结合. 2. 专栏地址 「 刘一哥与GIS的故事 」之<遥感知天地> 3. 专栏目录 学习遥感数字图像处理,不仅要掌握遥感数字图像处理的理论知识,更需要掌握Erdas和Envi软件实验操作. [遥感数…
一.在matlab下声音信号的I/O 1.读wav文件函数 •y = wavread('filename') •[y,Fs,bits] = wavread('filename') •[...] = wavread('filename',N) •[...] = wavread('filename',[N1 N2])   2.写wav文件函数 •wavwrite(y,'filename') •wavwrite(y,Fs,'filename') •wavwrite(y,Fs,N,'filename')…
一.基础知识 1.cortex-m3支持256个中断,其中包含了16个内核中断,240个外部中断 2.STM32只有84个中断,包括16个内核中断和68个可屏蔽中断 3.STM32F103上只有60个可屏蔽中断(本文重点讲解F103) 4.先占优先级和次占优先级 先占优先级(抢占优先级):抢占优先级不同,会涉及到中断嵌套,抢占优先级高的会优先抢占优先级低的,优先得到执行.抢占优先级相同,不涉及到中断嵌套,响应优先级不同,响应优先级高的先响应. 次占优先级(响应优先级/亚优先级/副优先级):只在同…
图像阈值分割是一种广泛应用的分割技术,利用图像中要提取的目标区域与其背景在灰度特性上的差异,把图像看作具有不同灰度级的两类区域(目标区域和背景区域)的组合,选取一个比较合理的阈值,以确定图像中每个像素点应该属于目标区域还是背景区域,从而产生相应的二值图像. 在skimage库中,阈值分割的功能是放在filters模块中. 我们可以手动指定一个阈值,从而来实现分割.也可以让系统自动生成一个阈值,下面几种方法就是用来自动生成阈值. 1.threshold_otsu 基于Otsu的阈值分割方法,函数调…
实验8-1:EIGRP 基本配置 实验目的通过本实验可以掌握:(1)在路由器上启动EIGRP 路由进程(2)启用参与路由协议的接口,并且通告网络(3)EIGRP 度量值的计算方法(4)可行距离(FD).通告距离(RD)以及可行性条件(FC)(5)邻居表.拓扑表以及路由表的含义(6)查看和调试EIGRP 路由协议相关信息 实验拓扑 实验步骤n    步骤1:配置路由器R1,R2,R3保证链路的连通n    步骤2:配置路由器R1R1(config)#router eigrp 90R1(config…
1.代码清单 ;代码清单9-1 ;文件名:c09_1.asm ;文件说明:用户程序 ;创建日期:2011-4-16 22:03 ;=============================================================================== SECTION header vstart= ;定义用户程序头部段 program_length dd program_end ;程序总长度[0x00] ;用户程序入口点 code_entry dw start…
前一篇分析了前十个基础实验的代码,从这里开始分析后十个~ 一.PPI原理: PPI(Programmable Peripheral Interconnect),中文翻译为可编程外设互连. 在nRF51822 内部设置了PPI 方式,可以通过任务和事件让不同外设之间进行互连,而不需要CPU 进行参与. PPI 通过通道让任务和事件连接在一起.PPI 通道由两个端点组成: 任务端点:Task End-Point (TEP). 事件端点:Event End-Point (EEP). 所谓的互联就是将任…