第一次提交遇到这样的情况,怎么回事呢,我在github上提交了ssh key 的啊. 排查先看看能不能解析, 1.先 ping https://github.com 把ip添加到 host :    sudo vi /etc/hosts  (添加下面第三行) localhost localhost.localdomain VM-0-6-ubuntu TENCENT github.com # 添加ip # The followi…
github Permission denied (publickey).fatal: Could not read from remote repository. ------------------------------------ 报错: Cloning into 'cf-ui'...Permission denied (publickey).fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have t…
运行以下git命令的时候出现错误 git push -u origin master error The authenticity of host 'github.com (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:nThbg6kXUpJWGl7E1IGOCspRomTxdCARLviKw6E5SY8. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes…
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repositor…
Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 博主在github上下载tiny face的的源代码的时候,遇到git clone命令为:git clone --recursive git@github.com:peiyunh/tiny.git 而当我在ternimal下执行这条语句的时候,出现错误: Permissiondenied (publickey). fatal:Could not…
博主在github上下载tiny face的的源代码的时候,遇到git clone命令为:git clone --recursive git@github.com:peiyunh/tiny.git 而当我在ternimal下执行这条语句的时候,出现错误: Permissiondenied (publickey). fatal:Could not read from remote repository. Pleasemake sure you have the correct access rig…
这个应该是很多github新手经常出错的问题,这个就是没有在你github上添加一个公钥. 下面就直接说步骤: 1 可以用 ssh -T git@github.com去测试一下 图上可以明显看出缺少了公钥 2 直接上图 3. cat 一下  把出现的key 复制下来 4 .在github上添加刚刚生成的公钥 一切都好了  就ok 了 ,反正我的就好了,如果你的还没好那肯定是姿势不对,换个姿势再来一次吧…
原文网址:http://blog.csdn.net/feeling450/article/details/53067563 github clone "Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository."   LZ用git不久,第一次从github clone项目遇见一下问题 $ git clone git@github.com:xiaolongzuo/niubi-job.gitClo…
这两天学习git的时候,在本地创建了一个库,同时自己在GitHub上面也创建了一个库,照着廖老师的教程一步一步走到了push的环节突然出现了这样的错误: [zhangxiyu@localhost learngit] $ git push -u origin master Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly 去百度,CSDN,GitHub等等各种地方去查只得到一个答案,说是pubicke…
今天在公司上传了代码,回到家pull,结果竟然出现了“Permission denied (publickey)“这种东西.第一反应是key不对,可是上次明明用key登录过,不可能不对啊,难道是文件被删除或覆盖?赶紧ls .ssh瞅一眼,发现上次生成的git.git.pub文件好好的在那呢.再想想,我也没动过github上的key设置啊,在公司都是https方式push的呢.确认不是key的设置问题,在http://henzil.easymorse.com/?p=508找到了解决方案. 下面记录…