1. Introduction The nRF Bluetooth® Smart Sniffer is a tool for debugging Bluetooth low energy (BLE) applications. The sniffer can pick up (sniff) every packet between a selected peripheral and the central device it is communicating with, even when th…
BLE Sniffer https://www.adafruit.com/product/2269 Bluefruit LE Sniffer - Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.0) - nRF51822 nrf51822模块 https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/product-files/2267/MDBT40-P256R.pdf 驱动安装 安装wireshark Wireshark v2.4.6 or later available from…
转摘:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/37182/Debug-your-ASP-NET-Application-while-Hosted-on-IIS This article describes how to debug a web application which is hosted on IIS. It also describes how to select the correct process to attach to when multip…
物联网安全拔“牙”实战——低功耗蓝牙(BLE)初探 唐朝实验室 · 2015/10/30 10:22 Author: FengGou 0x00 目录 0x00 目录 0x01 前言 0x02 BLE概述 BLE 协议栈总览 GAP-通用访问规范 GATT-通用属性协议 0x03 BLE嗅探 0x04 伪造BLE通信 0x05 分析BLE私有数据协议(灯泡.跳蛋.小米手环) 1.YeeLight 2 代蓝牙灯泡 2.小爱爱智能跳蛋(这个真不是我的,某个小伙伴借给我研究的) 3.小米手环 番外篇:小…
蓝牙BLE实用教程 Bluetooth BLE 欢迎使用 小书匠(xiaoshujiang)编辑器,您可以通过 设置 里的修改模板来改变新建文章的内容. 1.蓝牙BLE常见问答 Q: Smart Ready 和 Smart 以及传统蓝牙之间是什么关系? Q: 双模(dual-mode)和单模(single-mode)有什么区别? Q: There is a confusion between Server-Client vs Master-Slave vs Central-Peripheral.…
欢迎使用 小书匠(xiaoshujiang)编辑器,您可以通过 设置 里的修改模板来改变新建文章的内容. 1.蓝牙BLE常见问答 Q: Smart Ready 和 Smart 以及传统蓝牙之间是什么关系? Q: 双模(dual-mode)和单模(single-mode)有什么区别? Q: There is a confusion between Server-Client vs Master-Slave vs Central-Peripheral. I need a simplified exp…
debug aaa accounting through debug auto-config debug aaa accounting : to display information on accountable events as they occur(in privileged EXEC mode) no debug aaa accounting : to disable debugging output debug aaa authentication : to display info…
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/debuggingtoolbox/archive/2011/10/03/top-things-to-consider-when-troubleshooting-complex-application-issues.aspx 1- For reactive incidents: “Bring the engineer onsite because it is going to be easier to isolate the problem.” Th…
  在需要测试的代码行左侧行号列上双击,生成断点 ,再次双击可以取消断点 如图:   然后右键,选择Debug As-Java Application,(注意,不是选择Run As) 开始调试java程序 如图   有可能会弹出提示框(表示是否进入调试视图)点击确定就可以了 然后会进行调试视图,如图: 5 左侧上部是整个正常线程执行情况,右侧上部是刚才设置断点的行号列表. 在左侧上部有几个按钮需要注意如图: step into(快捷键F5)进入当前行的方法内部,一步一步执行 step retur…