使用中,遇到各种奇葩问题,依依汇总. 1.引用了Subsonic层后,一运行就开始报错,提示未能找到文件!! //引用后,目标框架可能会被改变,subsonic的默认框架是2.0,请检查框架是否一致. 2.执行中报异常,提示“Can't find the SubSonicService in your application's config” //config未能正确初始化,将文件拷贝到解决方案下…
Every time I wrote some code in ruby and executed our cucumber features I craved for something similar in Java. I knew that there were several BDD frameworks for Java like JBehave, JDave, and EasyB, but none of them was right for me: either it used a…