We’ve got a file structure in place, now let’s start adding things to them! First, we’re going to add some PHP functions to our theme. These functions will serve a variety of purposes, including: adding support for WordPress features such as custom b…
Now we're starting to get into the real meat of WordPress Theme development: coding the HTML structure. The Goals of Any HTML Structure When coding a web site, you should have 2 goals in mind: lean code and meaningful code. That is, using as little m…
What is “Theme Sense”? What is “Theme Sense”? Theme Sense is an intuitive understanding of WordPress themes: the relationship between the files that make up a theme, and how those files fit in with WordPress. Theme Sense is what you’ll have at the en…
We're just about ready to start building our theme's template files. Before we do this, however, it's time for a quick briefing on data validation and sanitation, an important procedure we'll take to ensure that our theme follows best security practi…
PsCreateSystemThread 创建一个执行在内核模式的系统线程. 注意:创建线程必须用函数PsTerminateSystemThread强制线程结束.否则该线程是无法自动退出的. 函数原型: NTSTATUS PsCreateSystemThread( _Out_      PHANDLE ThreadHandle, _In_       ULONG DesiredAccess, _In_opt_   POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, _In_…
上一篇教程,我们已经安装了Wordpress,我们可以成功的登录到Wordpress后台,接下来的任务就是创建我们自己的主题. 要想创建一个Wordpress主题,就必须按照Wordpress的规则,在主题目录下创建相应的文件. 在之前的教程中,我们已经在/wp-content/themes目录下创建了JerryBlog目录,并且在里面创建了index.php和style.css, 而这两个文件,也是创建一个Wordpress主题最基本的两个文件,缺一不可的. 总结来说,没有style.css,…
又一个作品完成!<跟黄聪学Wordpress主题开发>,国内最好的Wordpress主题模版开发视频教程!! 目录预览: WordPress官方源文件层式结构讲解 WordPress数据库表结构.字段详解 WordPress主题模版加载过程 WordPress主题模版开发:主题模版的安装及创建 WordPress主题模版开发:首页模版及调用options表数据 WordPress主题模版开发:如何循环输出文章列表 WordPress主题模版开发:文章元数据及多语言化 WordPress主题模版…
https://yusi123.com/3205.html https://themeshaper.com/2012/10/22/the-themeshaper-wordpress-theme-tutorial-2nd-edition/ https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Frameworks https://lorelle.wordpress.com/2008/12/30/parentchild-themes-in-wordpress-the-future-of…
本专栏介绍如何开发设计你自己的 WordPress 主题.如果你希望了解更多如何安装和应用主题的内容,请参阅应用主题文档.本文的内容不同于应用主题,因为所讨论的是编写代码去构建你自己的主题的技术内容,而非怎样去激活主题或者是哪里可以获得新主题. 为什么要使用 WordPress 主题? WordPress 主题由一系列文件和 CSS 样式表构成,构成了一个美丽的 WordPress 网站.每个主题都是不同的, 这样WordPress用户就可以随时更改 WordPress 网站的外观. 你也许想为…
本文转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/tinyphp/p/4391182.html 在最简单的情况下,一个WordPress主题由两个文件构成: index.php ------------------主模版 style.css  -------------------主样式表(注意的是两个不同的主题是不允许拥有相同的表述 , 这样会导致主题选择出错的. 简版: /* Theme Name:企业主题练习 Author:tinyphp Author URI: http://www…