Improved logging in Objective-C】的更多相关文章

[Improved logging in Objective-C] Example of logging the current method and line number. Paste it into your project, and see what it prints! Preprocessor macros and for logging in C/C++/Objective-C.…
Automake是用来根据Makefile.am生成Makefile.in的工具 标准Makefile目标 'make all' Build programs, libraries, documentation, etc. (same as 'make'). 'make install' Install what needs to be installed, copying the files from the package's tree to system-wide directories.…
PyPy 2.1 Beta1 才刚刚在2天前发布,今天 PyPy 宣布 2.1 正式版发布. 值得关注的改进内容有: JIT support for ARM, architecture versions 6 and 7, hard- and soft-float ABI Stacklet support for ARM Support for os.statvfs and os.fstatvfs on unix systems Improved logging performance Faste…
Hibernate provides SQL logging out of the box, but such logging only shows prepared statements, and not the actual SQL queries sent to the database. It also does not log the execution time of each query, which is useful for performance troubleshootin…
OClint是针对C, C++及Objective C代码的静态扫描分析工具,而SonarQube是一个开源的代码质量管理平台.本文将实现将OClint的扫描结果导入到SonarQube中,已实现对Objective C代码质量的管理. 操作系统: Mac OS X 10.9 所需工具: SonarQube : sonarqube-4.4 - Sonar Runner : sonar-runner-dist-2.4 - ht…
论文地址:MetricGAN+:用于语音增强的 MetricGAN 的改进版本 论文代码: 引用格式:Fu S W, Yu C, Hsieh T A, et al. MetricGAN+: An Improved Version of MetricGAN for Speech Enhancement[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.03538, 2021. 摘要 用于训练语音增强模型的代价函数…
学习架构探险,从零开始写Java Web框架时,在学习到springAOP时遇到一个异常: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_40\bin\java" -Didea.launcher.port=7533 "-Didea.launcher.bin.path=D:\JetBrains\xxIntelliJ IDEA 2016.3\bin" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath "C:\Program F…
Oracle补全日志(Supplemental logging)特性因其作用的不同可分为以下几种:最小(Minimal),支持所有字段(all),支持主键(primary key),支持唯一键(unique),支持外键(foreign key).包括LONG,LOB,LONG RAW及集合等字段类型均无法利用补全日志.最小(Minimal)补全日志开启后可以使得logmnr工具支持链式行,簇表和索引组织表.可以通过以下SQL检查最小补全日志是否已经开启:SELECT supplemental_l…
一.Logger 的级别 比log4j的级别详细,全部定义在java.util.logging.Level里面.各级别按降序排列如下:SEVERE(最高值)WARNINGINFOCONFIGFINEFINERFINEST(最低值)此外,还有一个级别 OFF,可用来关闭日志记录,使用级别 ALL 启用所有消息的日志记录.logger默认的级别是INFO,比INFO更低的日志将不显示(但也会写入文件). 注意:高等级的Logger不会显示(或写入)低等级的记录.低等级的Logger会显示(或写入)高…
模块级函数 logging.getLogger([name]):返回一个logger对象,如果没有指定名字将返回root loggerlogging.debug()设定root logger的日志级别logging.basicConfig():用默认Formatter为日志系统建立一个StreamHandler,设置基础配置并加到root logger中 日志…