HDU 5127 Dogs' Candies】的更多相关文章

Dogs' Candies Time Limit: 30000/30000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 512000/512000 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1701 Accepted Submission(s): 404 Problem Description Far far away, there live a lot of dogs in the forest. Unlike other dogs, thos…
周六周末组队训练赛. Dogs' Candies Time Limit: 30000/30000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 512000/512000 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 3920    Accepted Submission(s): 941 Problem Description Far far away, there live a lot of dogs in the forest. Unlike…
题目连接 http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2822 Dogs Description Prairie dog comes again! Someday one little prairie dog Tim wants to visit one of his friends on the farmland, but he is as lazy as his friend (who required Tim to come to his place…
题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1514 题目意思:有4堆糖果,每堆糖果有n个,从上到下排好,取糖果只能从上往下取,取完的糖果放在篮子里,篮子里最多放5个,如果篮子里有两个颜色相同的糖果则可以取走放进口袋里,问最多能取走多少对糖果放进口袋.n<=40, 糖果颜色最多20种. 这题是抄这个人滴:http://fudq.blog.163.com/blog/static/1913502382014239225290/ 有些地方看得不太懂,本…
http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2822 给定起点和终点,问从起点到终点需要挖几次只有从# 到 .或者从. 到  . 才需要挖一次. #include <cstdio> #include <queue> #include <cstring> using namespace std; ; int n,m; int sx,sy,ex,ey; char maze[maxn][maxn]; int vis[maxn][maxn…
传送门 题意 有三种操作 加入一个二元组\((x,y)\) 删除一个二元组\((x,y)\) 给出一个二元组\((a,b)\),问\(ax+by\)的最大值 题解 \(z=ax+by \Rightarrow y=-\frac{b}{a}x+\frac{z}{b}\) 分\(b\)的符号讨论,分别维护上下凸壳. 对于删除操作,将右边的序列反过来之后转化为没有删除操作的询问,用经典的\(\mathrm{CDQ}\)分治完成. notice 简直恶心,转化序列的时候恶心死了. code…
题目链接:hdu2822 会优先队列话这题很容易AC.... #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<queue> #include<algorithm> #define N 1005 using namespace std; char map[N][N]; int v[N][N],d[4][2] = { {-1,0},{1,0},{0,-1},{0,1} }; int begin_x,begin_y,en…
一.预备知识 \(tD/eD\) 问题:状态 t 维,决策 e 维.时间复杂度\(O(n^{e+t})\). 四边形不等式: 称代价函数 w 满足凸四边形不等式,当:\(w(a,c)+w(b,d)\le w(b,c)+w(a,d),\ a < b < c < d\) 如下所示,区间1.2对应的 w 之和 ≤ 3.4之和 \[ \underbrace {\overbrace {a \to \underbrace{b \to c}_3}^1 \to d }_4 \llap{\overbrac…
Give out candies Time Limit: 6000/3000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 524288/524288 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 218    Accepted Submission(s): 66 Problem Description There are n children numbered 1 to n, and HazelFan's task is to give out…
hdu 6126 Give out candies(最小割) 题意: 有\(n\)个小朋友,标号为\(1\)到\(n\),你要给每个小朋友至少\(1\)个且至多\(m\)个的糖果.小朋友们共提出\(k\)个要求,每个要求包括三个整数\(x,y,z\),表示\(x\)号小朋友得到的糖果数减去\(y\)号小朋友得到的糖果数,结果应当不大于\(z\).如果你给\(i\)号小朋友\(j\)颗糖果,他会获得\(w_{i,j}\) 的满意度,你需要最大化所有小朋友的满意度之和.\(1\leq n,m\leq…