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The most interesting, flexible and juicy binary tree problem I have ever seen. I learnt it from here: https://codepair.hackerrank.com/paper/5fIoGg74?b=eyJyb2xlIjoiY2FuZGlkYXRlIiwibmFtZSI6IkJsdWVCaXJkMjI0IiwiZW1haWwiOiJoZWFsdGh5dG9ueUBnbWFpbC5jb20ifQ%…
Description You are given an array a of size n, and q queries to it. There are queries of two types: 1 li ri — perform a cyclic shift of the segment [li, ri] to the right. That is, for every x such that li ≤ x < ri new value of ax + 1 becomes equal t…
You are given an array a of size n, and q queries to it. There are queries of two types: 1 li ri — perform a cyclic shift of the segment [li, ri] to the right. That is, for every x such that li ≤ x < ri new value of ax + 1 becomes equal to old value…
I'm using C# with those nuget packeges; <package id="Elasticsearch.Net" version="5.2.0" targetFramework="net462" /> <package id="NEST" version="5.2.0" targetFramework="net462" /> <…
一. Bulk 概述 本来只想测试一下Bulk Collect 和update性能的,但发现Bulk 的东西还是很多的,在OTN上搜了一些,整理如下. 1.1 Bulk Binding 和 Bulk SQL From:  http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e17125/adfns_packages.htm#ADFNS343 Oracle Database uses two engines to run PL/SQL b…
1. Introduction 1.1. About 1.2. Sphinx features 1.3. Where to get Sphinx 1.4. License 1.5. Credits 1.6. History 2. Installation 2.1. Supported systems 2.2. Compiling Sphinx from source 2.2.1. Required tools 2.2.2. Compiling on Linux 2.2.3. Known comp…
Retail Reference Architecture Part 1: Building a Flexible, Searchable, Low-Latency Product Catalog Product catalog data management is a complex problem for retailers today. After years of relying on multiple monolithic, vendor-provided systems, retai…
前言 本篇文章主要介绍在两台机器上使用 Docker 搭建 ELK. 正文 环境 CentOS 7.7 系统 Docker version 19.03.8 docker-compose version 1.23.2 系统设置 vim 编辑 /etc/security/limits.conf,在末尾加上: * soft nofile 65536 * hard nofile 65536 * soft nproc 4096 * hard nproc 4096 vim 编辑 /etc/sysctl.co…
Objective-C Memory Management Using Reference Counting 每一个从NSObject派生的对象都继承了对应的内存管理的行为.这些类的内部存在一个称为retain count的计数器.使用对应的调用,这个计数器会做自增或者自减.Objective-C runtime知道这个计数器何时变为0,此时会做deallocated.当对应deallocated时,它所占用的所有memory都会被释放.有三种方法可以让retain count增加: 当你使用含…
前言 项目中需要用到前端自动化测试,自己被当作一个探针研究了下目前用的比较多的web自动化测试工具.一开始研究的是的selenium,但由于项目使用了大量的dijit控件,写起testCase来很费劲:最主要的是selenium有严重的浏览器兼容性问题,于是彻底放弃,改投doh门下,毕竟是dojo他爸爸开发的跟dojo继承起来非常方便.这几篇主要介绍doh.doh/Robot以及将doh与selenium结合进而与CI工具集成起来. 一.DOH 是什么 DOH 是 Dojo Objective…