Each soul is individual and has its own merits and faults. 每一个灵魂都是独特的,都有各自的美德和过错.<摆渡人>…
These soul shields can either be obtained by E.Fleet Supply Chain or Blackram Supply Chain (4-man or 6-man). You can also exchange 10 Siren Emblems to a vendor in front of E.Fleet Supply Chain for a specific piece. In E.Fleet they mostly come from bo…
首先这是个人翻唱曲: 这个是原版(燃): 伴奏:  翻唱合成为动漫AMV 出镜翻唱: 全民K歌链接: http://kg.qq.com/node/play?s=aYpbMWb6UwoU&g_f=personal 歌词来自:百度百科 日语版 『Dragon Soul』 作词:吉元由美 作曲:岩崎贵文 编曲:京田诚一 歌:谷本贵义 Dokkan Dokkan ツイてる! Dokkan Dokkan Paradise! 元気玉が 弾け飞ぶぜ Go Go Let's do it! うごめく あやしい エ…
Traveling in Blade & Soul Walking is too simple. Having trained their physics and spirits for years, even a beginner martial artists can walk through thin air with an ability called “windwalking” aka qinggong (“ching-gong”) in wuxia (“woo-shya”). Whe…
Soul Shields are sets of 8 fragments which serve as the main source of attributes to a character. Additional attributes can be gained from Soul Shields when equipping multiple fragments of a same set. These bonus attributes are gained when a set of 3…
Group Combos A martial artist always make friends along their way. They learn how to work and fight together. They know that relying on a personal combo only isn’t enough to deal with a savage enemy. This is why they learn to work together, perform a…
Personal Combos Since Blade and Soul is mainly based on skills, the game is more interesting after you can do the skill rotation resulting in a skill combo. It is a set of attacks combined from various skills dealing a significant damage to an enemy.…
How to Develop Skills Each skill can be improved for variation effects. Some will boost more strength, some might help you deal more dps, some enhances your healing skills, some will give you a better combo, and more. Literally, the door to improve y…
PvP PvP in Blade and Soul is categorized into two types, a personal PvP called Arena and a large-scale PvP called World PvP.Player vs Player in Blade and Soul is divided into two modes of play: World PVP, which is based on an optional flagging system…
Race Four races are available for those who wish to choose the path of martial arts: the careful Gon, the playful Lyn, the elegant Yun, and the hardworking Jin. Blade & Soulcontains four playable races. They consist of the powerful Gon, the ambitious…
The world of Blade and Soul, is a vast extension of land containing two continents (the Southern Continent and the Eastern Continent) with four major zones: Viridian Coast, The Cinderlands, Moonwater Plains and Silverfrost Mountains. Each Zone is fur…
Apple individual program 加入之后的玩法  官方资源   0. 开发资源文档 0.1 开发文档: https://developer.apple.com/support/resources/index.html 0.2 开发工具 Xcode: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/Xcode_Overview/index.html#//apple_re…
BUAA Advanced Software Engineering Project:  Individual Project - Word frequency program Ryan Mao (毛宇)-1106116_11061171 Implement a console application to tally the frequency of words under a directory (2 modes). 1)  Before you implement this project…
Assembly and diploid architecture of an individual human genome via single-molecule technologies 文章链接:专业版" PacBio 遇到 BioNano" (三代测序那些事儿 第十二期) 前两天发表在Nature Mehtods一篇联合PacBio与BioNano数据组装人类基因组的文章在行业里引起了不小的震动(这其实也不是PacBio在动植物组装中的第一次表现了),大家惊讶的发现,原来大型…
JSU 2013 Summer Individual Ranking Contest - 5 密码:本套题选题权归JSU所有,需要密码请联系(http://blog.csdn.net/yew1eb). 一.套题分析:该套题难度不大,适合入门有一定基础的ACMer用于练习. 二.考点:逻辑思维.基础数论.数位运算基础.深度优先搜索.动态规划. 三.竞赛形式:个人赛 四.解题时间:3小时 五.题目情况: A. BNU ACM校队时间安排表        B. 硬币水题II        C. 沙漠之…
Note that this is just for Socket.io version 0.7, and possibly higher if they don’t change the API again. I’m writing an iPhone app right now using PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile on the phone, and node.js and socket.io on an Amazon EC2 server, and I hit…
第一次的增补赛,也是第一场个人排位赛,讲道理打的和屎一样,手速题卡了好久还WA了好多发,难题又切不出来,这种情况是最尴尬的吧! Individual Contest #1: Ploblem D: 题意:给你一个含有N个元素的数组和操作次数m,然后求出经过m次操作后,从区间X到Y的总和:操作如下:{1,6,9}==>{1,7,6,15,9}(多CASE) 题目链接:https://www.codechef.com/problems/CHSPARR 思路: 首先,最容易想到的是单纯的模拟每一次这样的…
ASLR: Address Space Layout Randomization 查看应用是否进行了 ASLR 保护的方法:otool -hv ${File-Path} I recently encountered issues decrypting applications for security analysis using iOS 6.0.1. Previously this was trivial using the previous version (5.1.1), yet when…
Edit individual GridView cells without putting the entire row into edit mode.Examples using the SqlDataSource and ObjectDataSource controls are included. Introduction The ASP.NET GridView allows for a row of data to be edited by setting the EditIndex…
Individual authentication 模板 我们首先用VSCode新建一个mvc的网站,这个网站创立的时候回自动为我们创建Identuty Core以及EF Core的代码示例,我们可以用命令    dotnet new mvc --help    来查看一些参数: 由于我们创建mvc项目是默认不带Identity验证的,所以我们要加上下面的  -au|--auth  参数来使用Individual创建带Identity验证的网站 还有一个参数  -uld|--use-local-…
1. soul开源网关项目搭建学习 1.1. 地址 https://gitee.com/shuaiqiyu/soul 1.2. 介绍 官方介绍:这是一个异步的,高性能的,跨语言的,响应式的API网关.参考了Kong,Spring-Cloud-Gateway等优秀的网关后,站在巨人的肩膀上,Soul由此诞生! 1.3. 特性 支持各种语言,无缝集成Dubbo,SpringCloud. 丰富的插件支持,鉴权,限流,熔断,防火墙等等. 网关多种规则动态配置,支持各种策略配置. 插件热插拔,易扩展 支持…
individual 英[ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl] 美[ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəl] adj. 个人的; 个别的; 独特的; n. 个人; 个体; [例句]They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions 他们等待团体作决定而不是各自作出决定.…
Individual authentication 模板 我们首先用VSCode新建一个mvc的网站,这个网站创立的时候回自动为我们创建Identuty Core以及EF Core的代码示例,我们可以用命令    dotnet new mvc --help    来查看一些参数: 由于我们创建mvc项目是默认不带Identity验证的,所以我们要加上下面的  -au|--auth  参数来使用Individual创建带Identity验证的网站 还有一个参数  -uld|--use-local-…
Individual Project - Word frequency program tally the frequency of words under a directory (2 modes). 大概需要注意的有: delimeter: 空格,非字母数字 大小写不敏感,相同字母组成单词按ASCII码排序第一个为准输出 词频输出按频率降序,相同频率按字典序输出 Enable Code Quality Analysis for your code and get rid of all war…
虽然第一个Project还有点小问题需要修改,但是大体已经差不多了,先把blog记在这里,算是开博第一篇吧! 1.项目预计的用时 本来看到这个题的时候想的并不多,但是看了老师的要求才觉得如此麻烦ORZ……尤其是动不动出现的o points更是吓得我认认真真的把老师的要求读了好几遍,可怜我一个英语这么差的人真不容易…… 项目要求要用C#或者C++,这两个语言我都是略懂,但是有些用法还是不了解的,因此: -计划学习C#+百度一些用法的时间:2小时 -项目本身打算写两个类,一个是遍历搜索文件夹的,另外…
Soul Artis [题目链接]Soul Artis [题目类型]二维BIT &题解: 二维区间更新和一维相比,要容斥一下,更新一块区间就是更新4个点. 还有这个我先是写了2*n^2logn的算法,结果t了,想了想优化了一下,变成了n^2logn,就A了,终于知道了常数的重要性 0.0 &代码: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm…
At the midnight of September 20, I finished my individual projcet -- a word frequency program. You can find requirements in details at http://www.cnblogs.com/jiel/p/3978727.html Before beginning coding, I suppose I can finish it in about 4 hours or l…
CHAPTER 16 慢灵魂乐 Slow Soul (8Beat) Slow Soul每小节内几乎都是以8分音符弹奏,又称之为8Beat节奏,80左右的速度最能表现此节奏特色. 示例曲目: 拥抱…
linux环境到处Excel报错: The maximum column width for an individual cell is 255 characters 解决方案: for (int i = 0; i < headerList.size(); i++) { int colWidth = sheet.getColumnWidth(i)*2; if(colWidth<255*256){ sheet.setColumnWidth(i, colWidth < 3000 ? 3000…
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-api/overview/security/individual-accounts-in-web-api Individual accounts provide two ways for a user to log in: Local login. The user registers at the site, entering a username and password. The app stores…