1.Problem and Loss Function Linear Regression is a Supervised Learning Algorithm with input matrix X and output label Y. We train a system to make hypothesis, which we hope to be as close to Y as possible. The system we build for Linear Regression…
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这篇文章是<新视野大学英语>第四册的第五单元的文章,第一遍英语阅读完后对比中文,发现自己对作者的观点理解有些出入.作者反对的是认为中国说话客套而美国人直接的观点,利用自己的经历表达了中文也有直接的方面,美国人也有客套托词,不能用个人的例子或者一些简单描述,就对所有中国人产生成见. 1 Once at a dinner on the Monterey Peninsula California my mother whispered to me confidentially: "Sau-…