(Sorry for that click-bait heading. Couldn’t resist ;-) ) We’re on a mission. To teach you SQL. But mostly, we want to teach you how to appreciate SQL. You’ll love it! Getting SQL right or wrong shouldn’t be about that You’re-Doing-It-Wrong™ attitude…
文章列出了Java开发者最常犯的是个错误. 1.将数组转换为ArrayList 为了将数组转换为ArrayList,开发者经常会这样做: ? 1 List<String> list = Arrays.asList(arr); Arrays.asList()会返回一个ArrayList,但这个ArrayList是Arrays的私有静态类,不是java.util.ArrayList.java.util.Arrays.ArrayList有set(), get(), contains()方法,但没有任…
This list summarizes the top 10 mistakes that Java developers frequently make. #1. Convert Array to ArrayList To convert an array to an ArrayList, developers often do this: List<String> list = Arrays.asList(arr); Arrays.asList() will return an Array…
Java程序员编程时需要混合面向对象思维和一般命令式编程的方法,能否完美的将两者结合起来完全得依靠编程人员的水准: 技能(任何人都能容易学会命令式编程) 模式(有些人用“模式-模式”,举个例子,模式可以应用到任何地方,而且都可以归为某一类模式) 心境(首先,要写个好的面向对象程序是比命令式程序难的多,你得花费一些功夫) 但当Java程序员写SQL语句时,一切都不一样了.SQL是说明性语言而非面向对象或是命令式编程语言.在SQL中要写个查询语句是很简单的.但在Java里类似的语句却不容易,因为程序…
10 Easy Steps to a Complete Understanding of SQL 原文地址:http://tech.pro/tutorial/1555/10-easy-steps-to-a-complete-understanding-of-sql Too many programmers think SQL is a bit of a beast. It is one of the few declarative languages out there, and as such…
原文出处:http://tech.pro/tutorial/1555/10-easy-steps-to-a-complete-understanding-of-sql(已经失效,现在收集如下) Too many programmers think SQL is a bit of a beast. It is one of the few declarative languages out there, and as such, behaves in an entirely different w…
This list collects 100 high quality blogs from Java developers from all over the world. Some of these blogs may not be written by Java developers, but at least Java developers should find it useful or interesting. Reading those blogs should be fun an…
原文地址:http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/watch-out-for-these-10-common-pitfalls-of-experienced-java-developers-architects/ Can we start by asking a serious question? How easy is it to find advice for novice Java programmers on the web? Whenever I loo…
Java is one of the most popular programming language nowadays. There are plenty of books for beginners. But to those who have programmed with Java for a while, some of them may look somehow simple and redundant. The beginner’s books do not bring fres…
Forget Guava: 5 Google Libraries Java Developers Should Know Published on 2016 7 13 Somenath PandaFollow If we would stop someone during an intense hackathon and ask her to name a popular and ask her to name a popular Google Java library, the answer…