POJ 1459 Power Network / HIT 1228 Power Network / UVAlive 2760 Power Network / ZOJ 1734 Power Network / FZU 1161 (网络流,最大流) Description A power network consists of nodes (power stations, consumers and dispatchers) connected by power transport lines. A…
题目链接: http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/problem/48415 It Can Be Arranged Time Limit: 3000MS 问题描述 Every year, several universities arrange inter-university national programming contests. ACM ICPC Dhaka site regional competition is held every year in Dhaka…
[题意] 有n个队伍进行比赛,每场比赛,恰好有一支队伍取胜.一支队伍败.每个队伍需要打的比赛场数相同,给你每个队伍目前已经赢得场数和输得场数,再给你一个矩阵,第 i 行第 j 列 表示队伍 i 和队伍 j 还需要打的比赛数,问你哪些队伍有可能获得冠军(胜场最多的即为冠军,可以并列). InputThe input consists of T test cases. The number of test cases (T) is given in the first line of the inp…