内建函数列表 Built-in Functions abs() divmod() input() open() staticmethod() all() enumerate() int() ord() str() any() eval() isinstance() pow() sum() basestring() execfile() issubclass() print() super() bin() file() iter() property() tuple() bool() filter…
一.概述 1.1 关于JSON数据格式 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), specified by RFC 7159 (which obsoletes RFC 4627) and by ECMA-404, is a lightweight data interchange format inspired by JavaScript object literal syntax (although it is not a strict subset of Java…
Python Standard Library "We'd like to pretend that 'Fredrik' is a role, but even hundreds of volunteers couldn't possibly keep up. No, 'Fredrik' is the result of crossing an http server with a spam filter with an emacs whatsit and some other stuff be…
The Python Standard Library¶ While The Python Language Reference describes the exact syntax and semantics of the Python language, this library reference manual describes the standard library that is distributed with Python. It also describes some of…
官方文档:https://docs.python.org/3.5/library/http.html 偷个懒,截图如下: 即,http客户端编程一般用urllib.request库(主要用于“在这复杂的世界里打开各种url”,包括:authentication.redirections.cookies and more.). 1. urllib.request—— Extensible library for opening URLs 使用手册,结合代码写的很详细:HOW TO Fetch In…
Swift has 74 built-in functions but only seven of them are documented in the Swift book (“The Swift Programming Language”). The rest remain undocumented. This article lists all built-in Swift functions – both documented and undocumented ones. The def…
http.server是用来构建HTTP服务器(web服务器)的模块,定义了许多相关的类. 创建及运行服务器的代码一般为: def run(server_class=HTTPServer, handler_class=BaseHTTPRequestHandler): server_address = ('', 8000) httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class) httpd.serve_forever() 类HTTPServer,是T…
http.cookies — HTTP state management http.cookies模块定义了一系列类来抽象cookies这个概念,一个HTTP状态管理机制.该模块支持string-only的简单cookies,也支持任意序列化数据类型(serializable data-type)作为cookie的value. 该模块允许下列字符集都可以作为有效字符来表示Cookie name(as key):字符集,string.ascii_letters, string.digits and…
开发工具: Python语言集成开发环境 Wingware WingIDE Professional v3.2.12 Python语言集成开发环境 Wingware WingIDE Professional v3.2.9.1 高效Python/Django开发工具:JetBrains PyCharm v1.1.1 (附注册机) Python和Django开发工具:JetBrains PyCharm v1.1 学习资料: Python 3程序开发指南 (第二版) 中文PDF下载 Programmi…
[译]The Python Tutorial#Brief Tour of the Standard Library 10.1 Operating System Interface os模块为与操作系统交互提供了许多函数: >>> import os >>> os.getcwd() # Return the current working directory 'C:\\Python36' >>> os.chdir('/server/accesslogs'…