[Redux] Composition with Objects】的更多相关文章

For example, current we have those todos: { todos: [ { completed: true, id: 0, text: "Learn Redux" }, { completed: false, id: 1, text: "Go shopping" }], } And now what we want to do is add a 'visibilityFilter' prop to the object, compo…
Previous, we do composition with objects: const todoApp = (state = {}, action) => { return { todos: todos( state.todos, action ), visibilityFilter: visibilityFilter( state.visibilityFilter, action ) }; }; Since it is common options in Redux,  there i…
概要 Association, Aggregation and Composition are terms that represent relationships among objects. They are very basic stuff of Object Oriented Programming. 关联 Association is a relationship among the objects. Association is "*a*" relationship amo…
软件的可维护性和可复用性 知名软件大师Robert C.Martin认为一个可维护性(Maintainability) 较低的软件设计,通常由于如下4个原因造成: 过于僵硬(Rigidity)  过于脆弱(Fragility)  复用率低(Immobility)  黏度过高(Viscosity) 软件工程和建模大师Peter Coad认为,一个好的系统设计应该具备如下三个性质: 可扩展性(Extensibility)  灵活性(Flexibility) 可插入性(Pluggabil…
This appendix contains suggestions to help guide you in performing low-level program design and in writing code.Naturally, these are guidelines and not rules. The idea is to use them as inspirations and to remember that there are occasional situation…
DTV包含SUBTITLE和TTX. PMT中分别有不同的描述符对应,如下图的TTX descripter=0x56.语言ISO-639="fin" subtitle descriptor = 0x59,如下图,当前节目有两个SUB,德语/英语 对于TTX ATV/DTV下有些差异: 1.ATV下TTV Language语言为 东欧/西欧/俄语/阿拉伯语/波斯语 5中语言,即对应TTX FONT的5中字库 2.DTV下会更多一点,在ATV的基础上还有 泰语/希腊语/斯拉夫语/希伯来语…
Object Pascal 参考手册 (Ver 0.1)ezdelphi@hotmail.com OverviewOverview(概述)Using object pascal(使用 object pascal)Object Pascal 是一种高级编译语言,具有强类型(对数据类型的检查非常严格)特性,支持结构化和面向对象编程.它的优点包括代码的易读性.快速编译,以及支持多个单元文件从而实现模块化编程.Object Pascal 具有一些特性以支持 Borland 组件框架和 RAD(快速应用程…
In the previous lesson we created a reducer that can handle two actions, adding a new to-do, and toggling an existing to-do. Right now, the code to update the to-do item or to create a new one is placed right inside of the to-dos reducer. This functi…
https://github.com/reduxjs/redux 版本 4.0.0 先了解一下redux是怎么用的,此处摘抄自阮一峰老师的<Redux 入门教程> // Web 应用是一个状态机,视图与状态是一一对应的 // 所有的状态,保存在一个对象里面 // store 是保存数据的地方 // 创建 store import { createStore } from 'redux' const store = createStore(fn) // state 是某一时刻 store 的快照…
提到redux,会想到函数式编程.什么是函数式编程?是一种很奇妙的函数式的编程方法.你会感觉函数式编程这么简单,但是用起来却很方便很神奇. 在<functional javascript>中,作者批评了java那种任何东西都用对象来写程序的方式,提倡了这种函数式编程. 之前看过一些函数式编程的例子(以下简称fp).提到fp会想到underscore和lodash,你会看到lodash的包中,唯一一个文件夹就是fp,里面是fp相关的函数. 在redux中,也是运用了很多fp的函数.其实在写js中…