Symptoms The Windows SBS Manager service is stopped with EventID 7034 every half an hour on SBS 2011. ------------------------------------------- System log shows: Error 8/6/2013 11:00:19 AM Service Control Manager 7034 None Log Name:      System Sou…
系统是Windows Server 2008 R2,补丁Windows Internal Database Service Pack 4 x64 Edition (KB2463332)总是安装失败,Windows Update中显示错误代码 643,事件查看器中显示: Product: Windows Internal Database -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting Inte…
这是这个系列的最后一篇文章,我已经花了三篇的篇幅和大家分享有关于Windows as a Serivce的相关内容,链接如下: Windows as a Service(1)-- Windows 10服务分支 Windows as a Service(2)-- 使用WSUS管理Windows10更新 Windows as a Service(3)--使用SCCM管理Windows10更新 最后这篇文章,要和大家分享的是使用Intune来管理Windows 10更新.由于Microsoft Int…
Hello 小伙伴们,这是这个系列的第三篇文章,我已经和大家分享了有关于Windows 10服务分支以及利用WSUS管理更新的方式,有兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考下面的链接: Windows as a Service(1)-- Windows 10服务分支 Windows as a Service(2)-- 使用WSUS管理Windows10更新 我们趁热打铁,继续聊聊使用SCCM管理Windows 10更新的方法.System Center Configuration Manager(SCCM)为我…
前言 在上一篇Windows as a Service(1)-- Windows 10服务分支中,我和大家分享了Windows 10三个服务分支CB/CBB/LTSB的概念及不同,从这篇文档开始,我将会为大家分别讲述使用不同的方法管理Windows 10更新的步骤.Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)是微软提供给客户免费将Windows10更新部署至运行了Windows 10操作系统的计算机上的方案.这一篇我们将以WSUS为主题,向大家介绍WSUS管理Win…
前言 作为公司的IT管理员,管理全公司Windows 10操作系统的更新一直是工作中的头疼之处.微软提供了很多方法来帮助我们管理公司的Windows 10更新,比如Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager以及MDM解决方案(Microsoft Intune).接下来我们会有一个系列的文章,为大家分享这三种方案将Windows10更新部署至运行了Windows 10操作系…
Building worker role B (email sender) for the Windows Azure Email Service application - 5 of 5. This is the fifth tutorial in a series of five that show how to build and deploy the Windows Azure Email Service sample application. For information about…
Building worker role A (email scheduler) for the Windows Azure Email Service application - 4 of 5. This is the fourth tutorial in a series of five that show how to build and deploy the Windows Azure Email Service sample application. For information a…
Building the web role for the Windows Azure Email Service application - 3 of 5. This is the third tutorial in a series of five that show how to build and deploy the Windows Azure Email Service sample application. For information about the application…
Configuring and Deploying the Windows Azure Email Service application - 2 of 5 This is the second tutorial in a series of five that show how to build and deploy the Windows Azure Email Service sample application. For information about the application…